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Current Events.: Nubiana; The Month of Celebration. Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels. Forbes.

February 13, 2017 2 Comments

2017 Wardrobe Starter.: Hottest Season Styles.: Essence-Romance.


Crystal-Trim Cold-Shoulder Cocktail Dress, Stone

Color.: Metallic Rose, Sheer Silver Shimmer, & Pistol. (Gun) Metal.

White/ Gold Ombre swatch imageWhite/ Silver Ombre swatch image selectedSilver Nectar swatch image selected

Shop Recommendations:


Keepsake Lost Lover Romper

Guava, Citrus, Buttery Blossoms & Amber.:

GuavaLilyButter BlossomCitrusAmber

Ombre Sequined Half-Sleeve Ball Gown, Iris/White

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonisha

Current Events:



According to the Chinese are not only manipulating their currency! But China is also manipulating price on the new industry that is on the rise, the solar panel industry. With the constant rise of this industry in America and the way of going “green” solar panels and the need for them are on the rise.

China is the leader in distributing solar panels to America; however America is trying to establish its fashion and technology market, and that includes solar panels. Solar World Industries America are the leaders in distributing American solar panels, and according to Gordon Brinser, the chief executive of Solar World Industries America “This basically takes it from being just allegations of illegal activities in this industry to confirmation”.

“This was a growing industry just a couple years ago that has been basically decimated by the Chinese manufacturers.”

– The Fashion Forbes.

Article by: Forbes.

By levying tariffs ranging from 30-250% on all solar panels imported from China, the ruling will constrict the growth of renewable energy here in America, driving up the prices for installers, their customers, and, ultimately, the American taxpayer. This legislation threatens to kill the very blue-collar jobs it claims to save.

Last October, the U.S. subsidiary of the German company SolarWorld Industries filed a petition claiming that Chinese manufacturers were infiltrating the U.S. market, “dumping” their panels at less than cost in a drive to put U.S. manufacturers out of business. Chinese government subsidies, SolarWorld claims, made it impossible to compete.

Click the Link for more of this Article:

Image result for ny times

Article by: NY Times.

When the United States International Trade Commission decided on Wednesday to uphold tariffs of about 24 to 36 percent on most solar panels imported from China, the case’s proponents claimed a major victory. Domestic solar manufacturers said the duties, to be in place for five years, would make up for unfair business practices by Chinese companies that had harmed the domestic market and allow homegrown companies to hire more workers and thrive.

Click the link to continue reading:

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The Sequence.

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Nubiana Heritage Celebration.:

History? It seems, I am still Here!


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A-Nubiana: Double Reality.:

Nubian women also stand for style! Women love to feel beautiful! Show off what they got! American’s Next Top Model is a show where girls do just that! They show off their beauty for the opportunity to showcase their beauty, style, & personality to the world! Double reality Nubiana.

The Following Photo Property: America’s Next Top Model.

Image result for antm toccara photos


Image result for antm eva photosImage result for antm eva photos Image result for antm eva photos

Bio.: Eva Marcille.

Image result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated imageImage result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated image

Valentines Day.: Mood.

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaRelated image

Restaurant in Thessaloniki, Greece | moco-chocoImage result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for him

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Shaqramento: Shaquille O’Neal Buys Minority Of the Sacramento Kings

September 27, 2013

Shaq was seen at the Sacramento Capital this passing Tuesday where he hung in the Governor’s office and recent photo’s have surfaced of him having lifting a woman over his head. While this visit sounds fun, it’s really a testament to Shaq’s latest business ventures. Shaq has bought the majority of the Sacramento Kings. The Kings have struggled in the past with finances and have almost lost the team several times over which has resulted in horrible reviews for the team. That could all be over with Shaq as a new investor! Now we might really be able to see what the team is made of because without all the extra stress maybe the team will began to be the victorious team that Sacramento can be proud of.

Reports say that this deal came about because Shaq was asked to be the mentor of Kings Power Forward Demarcus Cousins! Once again Shaq proves that he is not only a great ball player but a Savvy business man as well. With just this one deal he has single-handedly put Sacramento on the map once again; lets hope the team delivers and proves the exact same!

By: Akika Parker


Recent Video Reports:

Fur Is In for Winter/Autumn: Fur the Ugly truth: Should You Feel Bad for Wearing Fur?

September 17, 2013

creoleorsomethinglikeit:Alla Kostromichova for Vogue Россия~`*

Is it wrong to like Fur?

It’s everywhere this season, fur. People are starting to speak out for their right to wear fur all over the United States! fur

Nicole Murphy who is the ex-wife of comedian Eddy Murphy was recently seen on her reality show “Celebrity Ex’s” was just caught in a debacle because she stood up for her right to wear fur.


Recent reports say that Lady Gaga is in trouble with Peta for her recent fur fashion selections as well. In this (Right) photo Lady Gaga is seen with a fur jacket and a cute little fluffy pup in hand.  Lady Gaga has been known as an animal activist and anti-fur activist now seeing the singer wear fur has sparked some bad press for the pop star. It’s very well possible that she’s had a change of heart. Hears what anti-fur activist Sharon Osborn had to say:

“When I saw you wear a dress made of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur, and using it as a fashion statement, the fact that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me. Shouldn’t you be teaching your ‘little monster’ fans to respect animals and life?” -Sharon Osborn

Source: (Michelle Kretzer, . N.p.. Web. 17 Sep 2013.


Lady Gaga: Photo Property: (above)

fur1Beyoncé is another celebrity that loves her fur. She’s been publicly heckled by anti-fur activists lovers and exploited on YouTube for her choice to wear fur. Is this fair to fur lovers? Why should anyone be heckled or have paint thrown on them just because they have a love for fur? Do women have a divine right to be adorn in fur without being criticized?

Here is a video of Beyoncé being heckled and when asked about her choice to wear fur the songstress just decided to remain quiet.

Photo Property: Life News

Check out this video of a woman interrupting a Christian Dior Runway show:


Stunts like this and fur now being outlawed in North Hollywood that only leaves me to wonder what’s next for Peta and the Fur lovers. Is their compromise or do animal lovers just expect fur lovers to live without? There has to be a compromise because this matter is not fair to any party involved: the fur lovers, anti-fur activists and the poor animals that are being killed. All this is doing is further bridging the gap without coming to a solution.

More photos of Peta on the runway. This time heckling Victoria Secret Model Giselle and publicly calling her scum in front of millions of people.

fur9While this is the sort of radical behavior that gets you noticed is the message being lost? Why bully people into seeing your point? At some point we are just going to have to see that we’re all different Peta is going to have to accept that some women and men like to be adorned in fur garments and respect someones choice to do so.

Animal activist do have a point, this issue is major. Animals shouldn’t be treated with such disrespect, on the contrary however; that’s how it happens in the wild! Animals kill each other for survival. This is the natural way; if it wasn’t a human killing that animal you can bet that another larger and hungry animal would’ve had them for dinner and the death defiantly still wouldn’t have been pleasant.

Should you feel bad for wearing fur? No! People have the absolute right to enjoy what they like. There is no absolute right on this matter its soley based on opinion. One fact that should make fur lovers sleep easier, the government allows the fashion industry a certain amount of animals each year for fur usage and it actually helps keep the population of animals down. Animal activist will still fight this but at the end of the day its about what makes money.

Chinese Animal Fur Farm Exposed:

More Photo’s of Peta’s Antics:


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Take a look at some of these style featuring Raccoon as a main fur textile used in the garment, although usually used on the collar and wrist cuffs the change in texture completely makes the outfit.

Shop These Looks Now:

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The above four fur items along with photos are the property of:

Oprah and Lidnsey’s Interview

August 20, 2013


Oprah‘s interview with Lindsey Lohan yesterday on Oprah’s OWN network! Lohan speaks candidly about her relationship with her parents, drug abuse, and life in the fast lane. Shockingly contrary to what most may think Lohan claims her drug of choice wasn’t Cocaine at all; it was alcohol! This is the first interview Lohan has done since being released from Rehab just three months earlier. Lohan over the years has been given a party girl reputation and say’s that this time  returning from rehab is different  and that she “Now is taking time to listen now” and goes on to say how that is the difference between this time and others. When Oprah was asked if she felt Lindsey was being authentic during the interview, Oprah said “Yes!”

By: Akika Parker

Check Out these clips of the Interview:


Office Make-Up! What styles are office appropriate?

July 29, 2013


Fall is right around the corner! Although we’re still in high temperatures, it’s the perfect time to start preparing your clothing and make-up for the up and coming season! Take a look at this video by the late Talia Joy!

By: Akika Parker

Office make-up should clean and not ever powering! If you have strong make-up on the top; pair it with a softer lip and vice versa!

Here are some other great make-up Ideas for the office:

MU MU2 MU1 MU3 MU7 MU8 MU9 MU10 MU11 MU12

(These photos are the property of Style Me

Striped Shade?… Trending!

June 13, 2013 1 Comment

Striped Shade?... Trending!

These striped shades are everything and a silver platter!

By: Akika Parker

Must have trend!

Miguel – Thrill

Dolce & Gabbana

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Marc Jacob

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Pretty Little Liars Season 4

June 12, 2013 3 Comments


Pretty Little Liars Season 4

Everyone’s favorite liars are back for their fourth season; how the writing team keeps us interested is beyond me, but it always seems to get better with every season; including the FASHION! Meet costume designer Mandi Line!

Here’s what InStyle had to say about the season premiere:

“The liars are back! The fourth season of Pretty Little Liars aired last night on ABC Family, and with it came the drama we’re used to with Spencer (Troian Bellisario), Aria (Lucy Hale), Hanna (Ashley Benson), and Emily (Shay Mitchell). All season long, we’re catching up with costume designer Mandi Line to get the inside scoop on how she dressed the girls each episode, including why she chose to put Hanna’s character in a sheer BCBG Max Azria maxi dress. ”There was a scene where Caleb says, ‘Wow Hanna does your mom know you’re wearing that?” Line told us of this premiere look. The scene was ultimately cut, but the dress stayed. And it serves as an indicator of what’s to come this season: “The shorter the better,” Line said. Scoop up the look for $548 at”

The Talk of the Premiere is Aria’s Sweater: 


Recap of some of the season 3 Fashion:

pll10 pll11 pll12 pll13 LUCY HALEpll41pll24 pll4  pll6 pll7 pll8 pll9 pll10 pll11 pll12 pll13 LUCY HALE pll15 ASHLEY BENSON pll17 pll18 pll19 pll20 pll21 pll22 pll23 pll39 pll25 pll26 pll27 pll28 pll29 pll30 pll31 pll32 pll33 pll34 pll35 pll36 pll37 pll38pll42 pll39 pll40

Vintage Inspirations: Retro Perfecto!

June 2, 2013 5 Comments

Vintage Inspirations: Retro Perfecto!

Image Vintage inspirations are the perfect tie to any out fit! To make sure you stand out amongst the crowd, find a local thrift store, vintage shop, or consignment service and find the perfect trinkets for your wardrobe! People that have neophilia (a tendency to like anything new; love of novelty) should stay away because usually everything is used. In being used however items have character, are not on the market so you won’t see any duplication, for the fashionista that likes to look different but just by adding small touches from your local vintage shop.

By: Akika Parker

Watch how these vintage items lights up these styles:




Vintage Inspirations:


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(Photo’s are not the property of Style Me CEO they’ve been extracted from other sources: Google, Esty, and