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Current Events.: Nubiana; The Month of Celebration. Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels. Forbes.

February 13, 2017 2 Comments

2017 Wardrobe Starter.: Hottest Season Styles.: Essence-Romance.


Crystal-Trim Cold-Shoulder Cocktail Dress, Stone

Color.: Metallic Rose, Sheer Silver Shimmer, & Pistol. (Gun) Metal.

White/ Gold Ombre swatch imageWhite/ Silver Ombre swatch image selectedSilver Nectar swatch image selected

Shop Recommendations:


Keepsake Lost Lover Romper

Guava, Citrus, Buttery Blossoms & Amber.:

GuavaLilyButter BlossomCitrusAmber

Ombre Sequined Half-Sleeve Ball Gown, Iris/White

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonisha

Current Events:



According to the Chinese are not only manipulating their currency! But China is also manipulating price on the new industry that is on the rise, the solar panel industry. With the constant rise of this industry in America and the way of going “green” solar panels and the need for them are on the rise.

China is the leader in distributing solar panels to America; however America is trying to establish its fashion and technology market, and that includes solar panels. Solar World Industries America are the leaders in distributing American solar panels, and according to Gordon Brinser, the chief executive of Solar World Industries America “This basically takes it from being just allegations of illegal activities in this industry to confirmation”.

“This was a growing industry just a couple years ago that has been basically decimated by the Chinese manufacturers.”

– The Fashion Forbes.

Article by: Forbes.

By levying tariffs ranging from 30-250% on all solar panels imported from China, the ruling will constrict the growth of renewable energy here in America, driving up the prices for installers, their customers, and, ultimately, the American taxpayer. This legislation threatens to kill the very blue-collar jobs it claims to save.

Last October, the U.S. subsidiary of the German company SolarWorld Industries filed a petition claiming that Chinese manufacturers were infiltrating the U.S. market, “dumping” their panels at less than cost in a drive to put U.S. manufacturers out of business. Chinese government subsidies, SolarWorld claims, made it impossible to compete.

Click the Link for more of this Article:

Image result for ny times

Article by: NY Times.

When the United States International Trade Commission decided on Wednesday to uphold tariffs of about 24 to 36 percent on most solar panels imported from China, the case’s proponents claimed a major victory. Domestic solar manufacturers said the duties, to be in place for five years, would make up for unfair business practices by Chinese companies that had harmed the domestic market and allow homegrown companies to hire more workers and thrive.

Click the link to continue reading:

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The Sequence.

Image result for ny times

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Nubiana Heritage Celebration.:

History? It seems, I am still Here!


Related image

A-Nubiana: Double Reality.:

Nubian women also stand for style! Women love to feel beautiful! Show off what they got! American’s Next Top Model is a show where girls do just that! They show off their beauty for the opportunity to showcase their beauty, style, & personality to the world! Double reality Nubiana.

The Following Photo Property: America’s Next Top Model.

Image result for antm toccara photos


Image result for antm eva photosImage result for antm eva photos Image result for antm eva photos

Bio.: Eva Marcille.

Image result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated imageImage result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated image

Valentines Day.: Mood.

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaRelated image

Restaurant in Thessaloniki, Greece | moco-chocoImage result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for him

Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

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(Warning Adult Content.:)

Must be over 18.


Current Events 2015: Going Green: Strong Changes in America: Growth: Meanwhile… Voss!

April 7, 2015


Business Going Green and How To?

Going green is the refreshing modern industry of our generation. We’re focused on preserving the earth in today’s business industry. A new fleet of CEO’s are incorporating the green idea into their business foundational principles to save revenue on a short to long-term basis.

Green Business: The Inside: Anatomy of a Green Business!

Click link for top San Francisco green business hide aways:

How To?

  • Energy monitoring system that keeps tracking and modifying energy use information.
  • A rainwater harvesting system to irrigate landscaping.
  • Insulated concrete form walls.
  • Super low-flow fixtures in bathrooms and the kitchen.
  • Electronic car charging station.
  • Sufficient heating and cooling and refrigeration system.
  • Reusing and recycling

Dunkin Donuts can attest to such green advances! They opened their first three Green or LEED-Certified locations in 2014 in St Petersburg Florida and Edgewater. They reused and recycled by turning used coffee grounds into compost and developed a reusable mug program!

Expand in 2016: Hot Green Industries!

Car Washes: Marr’s Car Washing, Fleet Clean; CEO Scott Marr

Representing Green Cleaning! Car washes are a great green business! The majority of your expenses will likely stem from water usage, cleaning solution, lights and laundry. If you’re savvy, you’ll find cool cost effective ways to reduce your carbon foot print, and save money on bills. Putting green techniques into the foundation of your company creates a solid standing in your companies structure.


Restaurants are a booming green industry! Cutting back on water, energy, using old fashion techniques, and finding any area of your business which you see an opportunity to commence.


Restaurants save big in energy by using battery efficient lights and candles.

Women of Monetary Value:

Women have a plot to change the future face of money; going forward with a feminine touch! Reports say that the $20 bill would be the perfect! Changing President Jackson who has held the spot for over 90 years! There has been talks of replacing him with several historic women figures including Harriet Tubman and Eleanor Roosevelt!

More Choices:

It might be a great idea to turn the women into dollar value coins! New coins worth $5, $20, $50, $75, etc. Even up to $1,000.


Susan B. Anthony’s Story:

Related Articles:


2 Find out President Andrew Jackson’s monetary bill might have gotten chosen to be changed.

History: Click Link:


Best Vacation Vacation: Athens


Athens is a lovely place to vacation and get a dose of ancient Greece’s history! Athens is just off the cost of Greece;  just across the Aegean sea to Turkey and across the Mediterranean sea to Crete.


Teeth Whitening Gets a Facelift!

Top Wasteful Industries of American Culture:

  • The Oil Industry
  • Rubber and Plastic Industries
  • Ethanol Production
  • Food Production (Including Travel Expenses)

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3. 22 Ways to Fight Raising Food Prices: Click Link:



  1. 1.
    an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company’s products.
    synonyms: warrant, charter, license, permit, authorization, permission, sanction,privilege

    “the company lost its TV franchise”
  2. 2.
    the right to vote.
  1. 1.
    grant a franchise to (an individual or group).

The Bay Area Raises Minimum Wage.

The bay area’s Oakland CA has raised its minimum wage to $12.25! Oakland, San Fransisco, Silicone Valley and Los Angeles has some of the priciest real estate in the United Stated. San Francisco leads the US with the highest living wages in the US!

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2. New


Seattle Washington Raises its Minimum Wage!

Seattle Washington raises its minimum wage to 15.00! Leading the United States with a record high!


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Twitter Releases New App


Twitter launched a new video streaming app, Periscope! Twitter bought this company in January 2015. Periscope allows users to save and replay saved videos; unlike its competition Meerkat.

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Twitter shares recently closed at $49.92 per share making up 1% percent on the NYC Stock Exchange Thursday, March 26th 2015. Source: “AM New York” Thurs. March 27th-29th 2015. 

The Winklevosses: Voss: Bitcoin

While most know of the Winklevoss twins Cameron and Tyler from portrayals in Social Media  the twins are still making moves in 2015. They recently launched Bitcoin a fully regulated currency exchange company. Its believed that this company will help legitimize online payment systems, which has a volatile reputation. The Vosses have made a name for themselves as investors! Meanwhile investing in over 40 different companies.

“Bitcoin is the greatest financial innovation of the past 500 years!” – Tyler Winklevoss

Winklevoss Capital

Wen: Sued?

Popular hair product Wen sued for making women’s hair fall out! Should this product still be allowed to be sold to consumers? This should be investigated for the credibility of the company and the safety of women’s hair!

Meanwhile in Fashion…

Nail Neutral

The Chanel Manicure:

PicsArt_1427926307340PicsArt_1427926236442 PicsArt_1427927352659

The Chanel Metallic:


Sac Town Nails: Sacramento, CA.


Tiny’s Nail Bar- Atlanta.

Wood Grain:

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Neutral Nails:

PicsArt_1427921930899 PicsArt_1427923740268

Hologram Hologram: 


Earthy Aztec:


Swim Whiskers: 


Strut your swim whiskers at your favorite beach or pool!

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PicsArt_1428396918335 PicsArt_1428396793046 PicsArt_1428396724952

The Body

From Boho to disco shagadellic; the romper is so perfect! A slip on and go, easy and fresh piece of wardrobe.


PicsArt_1427923359939 PicsArt_1427923322789

Tag a Source: Some Outsourced Photos. Tip us a Million! Leave your tip of any dollar amount via email: Let know how much we inspire you! We accept all amounts from $1- $1,000,000.00. Visit our Tip page today to process your investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc.  Be inspired and send your tip today!

Style Me’s Top Stylist of 2013

December 28, 2013 1 Comment

Style Me’s Top Stylist of 2013

The fashion industry was introduced to us a multitude of designers this season! But the real talk has been, not who your wearing but; who styled you? Take a look at some of the hottest celebrity stylists of 2013.

Stylist: Ty Hunter image

Ty Hunter Stylist of the Year!!!


Ty Hunter is most known for his work with Super Star Beyonce. Earlier this year Ty gave an interview to “Nichole”  were he reveals how got his job as being one of the most coveted stylist in the industry.

Full Article Here:

Click link:

Seen below is a recent appearance of  singer Beyoncewearing Tom Ford, styled by Ty Hunter. Hunter also had a hand in the phenomenal fashions in Beyonce The Visual Album. Amazing year for Ty Hunter!!! image

Rachel Zoe: image

Stylist Rachel Zoe has blazed this year. Her clothing line is thriving, stylist company expanding, and expanding family. Rachel just welcomed her new baby boy. image image

Team Stylist:

Mariel Hannan & Rob Zangardi:

Who says a team can’t work? Somehow these two seam to make it work. Team stylists Mariel Hannan & Rob Zangardi. Styling the like of tons of celeb starlets such as the J-Lo and Rihanna both who have been really influential 2013. image image

Stylist: Leslie Fremar

Also mentioned to be one of NYC’s most fashionable people of 2012.

Photo Property : (right)

Here you can see her in her in a article for the ” Hollywood Reporter!”

Stylist: Petra Flannery


Photo Property:

Her style is more classic chic with a touch of sexy. Petras’ work is extremely realistic with a touch of ethereal done in a understandable day to day way. She uses different shapes, layers and patterns to give her clients that fashion forward desired look. stylist3

Photo Property:

Stylist: Jeanann Williams

Jeanann Williams is known for being a top stylist. She set records with the first seven months of being a full time stylist as she already whirled Naomi Watts into 150 looks!


Photo Property:


Photo Property:

Stylist: Jason Bolin

Jason Bolin has an easy chic style that make a woman not only feel beautiful but also makes her feel like a woman! He understands how every woman wants to feel no matter what the age or size.

Photo Property:

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Legendary Builder Buzz Oats dies at Age 90

December 9, 2013 5 Comments


CEO and Legendary developer and construction guru, Buzz Oats has passed at age 90. He was even mentioned on Forbes list as one of the richest people at one point. A great talent is lost in Buzz Oats.

Here are Examples of his Work:






Cuff me: Season of the double Cuff: Hot Accessories!!!

October 9, 2013


This season coming into trend… All hail to Double Cuffed Wrists!!! Bangles are a thing of the past; now it’s all about having two statement cuffs on both wrists.

By: Akika Parker


Technology & Fashion: The Flip Side!

September 2, 2013 4 Comments

Last week, I presented to you, our wonderful readers, a look into how technology has seeped into fashion and helped to shape trends. We assume that technology has done nothing but help fashion by helping to make it a truly global industry, provide better and faster ways to churn out the latest trends, and help new and classic designers build their brand. By following those lucky enough to be included in the various encircles of the fashion world on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. you can have near real-time access to everything that’s happening on the runway. This week, however, I would like to play devil’s advocate and show you how technology, and specifically social media, has actually hurt the fashion world.

celebrity-filled front row

When I think runway, I envision models on the runway wearing the newest, hottest trends for next season. You’d think that, since it’s a fashion show, they would be the center of attention and you would have been right ten years ago. Nowadays, however it’s become more about all the celebrities in the front row, so it almost becomes a question of “what exactly is the main attraction?” The garnments or the celebrity style?

While we can all agree that bloggers have become essential to all industries, if you’re luck enough to get into a Gucci fashion show, maybe you should be more concerned with how those shoes are going to translate to a Forever 21 customer, and less concerned with updating your Instagram with a heavily filtered image of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. There is a time and a place for Celebrity Fashion. A very affluent fashion show is not it. Just saying.

Miley Cyrus Trish Cyrus Joanna Coles

When a very high-end designer decides to cut their attendance in half, namely Oscar De Le Renta, it’s probably time to reevaluate some priorities.
Another thing to consider is the rate at which we have begun to demand new trends. We have become so used to instant access, and some new trend, technology, or do-dad coming out every couple of weeks, that we expect everything to be that way, forcing some designers to present almost ten collections a year just to try to keep us happy. That’s anywhere from 30 to 120 pieces per line. You do the math. That is a crazy amount of choice. Not to mention all the work that goes into producing every intricate piece, from patterns to finishing trims.
I’m not saying that we should stop blogging about everything that interests us, or even that we should slow down. I just think we should gain some focus.

~Brittany B.

For more information:


Quote of the Day!


Thirteen year old Talia Joy is remembered for her beauty, talented make-up tutorials and coveting smile. This young lady suffered from two forms of cancer and now marks the end of her journey.

“She was fierce”- Ellen Degeneres





Quote of the Da…

July 16, 2013

Quote of the Day!

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”

~Elmer Davis

Elmer Davis

Quote of the Da…

July 4, 2013

Rihanna Major Fashion Moment!

May 1, 2013 1 Comment


Rihanna may have just coined the official silhouette of this season! The singer showed up on the scene with this boxy, butt; flattering in every since of the word, blouse and shorts! With the season’s hottest Summer shoe! The open toe boot/bootie! This silhouette of a boxy dress, the Aztec print, and fitted knee high open toe boots is about to be EVERYTHING! Be the first to jump on it now!

By: Akika Parker

Other good fashion moments from Rihanna this week:

You have to LOVE a girl that represents the Bay! WHOPPP WHOPPP!!!

Jersey By: Jeremy Scott

Great Forbes Article: How to use Social Media to make Sales!

April 28, 2013 1 Comment

Here’s a great article I found on Forbes on how to effectively use your social media to generate income!

Have you ever gone through your personal social media networks and actually viewed it through the eyes of a business person and/or potential customer? What image are you giving them? Does the person you present to them match the person you say you are?nJust some food for thought! This is great for all you young fashion lovers that are entrepreneurs and want to start your own business.

Posted By: Akika Parker

Step No. 1: Join a community and create a persona

“It starts by spending some time with the tool you plan to use,” Fong says. “Build up a personal account, have conversations, and become acquainted with the norms and expectations of the community.”Without misrepresenting yourself, create a persona that’s likeable and trustworthy within that community, Fouts says. “If I think you’re a jerk when I see you on a social media site, I’m not going to do business with you,” she says. “If you comment a lot to get people to go to your site, I’m not going to listen to you. You can’t abuse or misuse social media.” Show your network that you’re an amiable, trustworthy resource.

Step No. 2: Determine the best way to connect with prospects

“Facebook is the best arena for business to consumer sales,” Francis says. “LinkedIn is the appropriate platform for sales of business-to-business products or services, and Twitter can be employed for all kinds of sales.”Francis says you needn’t limit yourself to the three big social networking sites. Blogs, live chats and comment sections on websites are also great places to generate leads. “You can really find prospects any place online where a relevant conversation is happening.”Find out where your market is having conversations first, and then go there, Fouts says.

Step No. 3: Connect

Friend, follow or connect with individuals with profiles that match your clients’. How? Conduct a search on each social networking website or use a resource like to find people who are talking about your industry or using related keywords, Fouts says. Then comment on their posts, “retweet” them, answer a question or share something they say. By contributing to their conversation you add value to their network, she says. “Then it becomes natural for you to follow them and for them to follow you back.”

Step No. 4: Build a relationship

“The most important thing salespeople need to know is that they need to develop relationships more than they need to develop leads, because good relationships will turn into leads,” Fouts says. “People share a lot of information, and if you monitor and listen to what they are saying, you will eventually be able to engage in a meaningful conversation with them.”Once you develop a relationship, you can tell the prospect how your product or service might be something they want or need.

Step No. 5: Engage in a conversation

“If you just write them a message with a pitch and a link to your website, they will be uninterested,” Fouts says. “If you say, ‘Here are some solutions to your problem, maybe my product or service can help,’ they will know you care about them. If you really listen to what they are saying on social media, you can open doors and start a conversation without having to make a cold call.”Contribute to a conversation they are already having with their social network and share content that they will find useful.

To read more of this article click:

(These photos are not the property of Style Me they’ve been extracted from other sources)


Style Me’s Message to Reader!

April 23, 2013

Hello to all of our faithful readers! Style Me want to say thank you to all of our faithful day-to-day readers and followers! But our message is great and we want more people to be inspired so; be sure not only to follow our blog by entering your email address below but also follow our other Social Media:


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The follow button is at the bottom of the screen of Style Me CEO’s home page. When you click “Follow” the above photo is an example of what the screen will look like when it pops up. Enter email address, confirm link through email and you’ve just subscribed to us! But wait your not done! Be sure to share us with a friend!

Style Me is on the hunt for an “It” girl. Could it be you? We want to show how stylish our readers are, send us a photo of you in your favorite outfit, styling work you’ve done, or your collection and have us blog about you!


1) Must be fly!

2) Must be employed or going to school.

3) Brief description of yourself and why you have the “It” factor.

Must include: Photo of you in your Favorite Outfit, Favorite Quote, Fun Fact, your Style Esthetic, and what Legacy you Want to Create and leave behind. (Destiny)

Send your package to:

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Also Style Me CEO wants your feed back: What can we do to better serve you as our readers!? Be apart of our team and send us your feed back! Also find an error somewhere? We all make them, but if you tell us were it is we will definitely correct it. Be sure to visit us daily for your fashion updates!

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Quote of the Day!

“The only time success occurs before work is in the dictionary.” via Cameron Cashmore

Quote of the Da…

April 9, 2013

Quote of the Day!

“Always give without remembering & always receive without forgetting.” – Oprah Winfrey

Quote of the Da…

February 24, 2013

Pixie Lott’s Floral Head Band… Trending!

January 27, 2013

Diy Headband, Bershka Embroidered Body, Dress

Can you handle the look? This flower headband look is spreading like wild-fire, and it looks like this little creation might be the perfect for 2013 Spring/Summer season. It’s fresh and innovative, with a touch of sophistication and creativity! This trend is slowly becoming one of my favorites. Wear it as a day time look with simple garments, a flowing dress and cow boy boots for example, or transition it into an evening look, by adding jewelry and a cocktail dress! Whatever your choice of style, make sure you make it personal, and own it!

By: Akika Parker




(Photos are not the property of they have been extracted from other sources.)

Related articles

“Style me’s” Exclusive Interview with Celebrity Nail Artist Kimmie Kyees!

January 26, 2013 3 Comments

Kimmie Kyees! One of the most fabulous women under 40 speaks out about success, her career journey, and her inspirations! If you don’t know Kimmie I’m sure you know her work! Its been seen on some of your favorite celebs such as: Adele, Kesha, Katy Perry, Brittney Spears, Lady Gaga and Rihanna just to name a few!
By: Akika Parker
be mag web site
To learn more about this incredible woman and see more of her work please click the link to her site and follow her on twitter!
Q: How did you begin your journey?
I began doing nails when I was 17 in my mom’s basement ….  I had a mini salon for my friends and family clientele it was a nice way to make money in high school!!!
Q: What is your next step in business? brand?
I have 2 lines right now with bigger companies . Elegant touch has Kimmie Kyees press on nails available in 4 styles and Mnix has 8 designs by me.   I am looking to do some new and exciting things this year!!
Q: How long have you been a nail expert?
I have been doing nails since i was 17 years old so … 20 years now in the biz … I think there is always more to learn … your true expertise is knowing you don’t know it all and continuing to get education and staying in the loop with whats new and developing in your industry!
Q: What advice do you have for others that want to do what you are doing?
Work hard … make friends in the industry be nice ….. your connections are as important as your skill …. if no one likes you, you will never work.  Keep your kit stocked properly and use quality products … keep up with the trends… my clients favorite  quote is “what do you have that is new!! ”
Q: How has success changed your life?
It has given me financial freedom – I have gotten to work with some of the most amazing artist in the entertainment industry – attend the most elite awards ceremonies and be a part of some pretty exciting projects…. its truly a blessing that I am grateful for everyday!
Q: What has been the most exciting thing you’ve encountered so far?
There are so many things its hard to choose just one … recently working with Adele was a super exciting thing …. I have wanted to work with her for ages… seeing articles written about me or hearing my friends and family talk about how they are reading nail tips from me in the national weekly magazines….my clients loving their nails… posting photos – it’s even fun to see comments on social media when people are looking at your work …. . it’s truly fulfilling on SO many levels!!!
Q: What inspires your designs?
EVERYTHING ….. items in the nail store the arts n craft store, you tube videos,  twitter photos … clothes, colors …. glitters  – other manicurists …. it’s a HUGE world out there and everyday I think I see something that motivates me and makes me want to be better!!
Her work is everywhere, it was even at the 2013 Golden Globes: Winner Adele, Selma Hyack, Vanessa Hudgens, Eva Longoria, and Nicole Richie!
adele gloden globe awardSalma HayekVanessa Hudgenseva longoria golden 1nicole rich golden
Article rights belong to
(All Photos are the property of Kimmie Keys and other sources, and has no affiliation with

Quote of the day by Michael Phelps

“Stay laser-focused on your goals, despite what your skeptics may say.” – Michael Phelps.

English: U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps shows off...

English: U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps shows off his Olympic gold medal as he stands on the victory podium with teammate Ryan Lochte, bronze medalist, and Hungary’s Laszlo Cseh, silver medalist, at the National Aquatics Center in Beijing. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Quote of the da…

January 25, 2013 1 Comment

Can you pull off the Pixie Lott flower headband for summer 2013?

January 13, 2013

Pixie Lott works a modern Woodstock look at the Cornbury Music Festival in Oxford, UK on 29 June 2012.

Can you handle the look? This flower headband look is spreading like wild-fire, and it looks like this little creation might be the perfect for 2013 Spring/Summer season. It’s fresh and innovative, with a touch of sophistication and creativity! This trend is slowly becoming one of my favorites. Wear it as a day time look with simple garments, a flowing dress and cow bow boots for example, or transition it into an evening look, by adding jewelry and a cocktail dress! Whatever your choice of style, make sure you make it personal, and own it!

By: Akika Parker

