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February 2, 2018

Image result for glitter white

Fall/Autumn 2018.

Full View Link.

Pleats. Fringe. Lace. Shimmer. Cool Colors. Fall Prints (Leafs & Vines). Feathers.

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Home Improvements: Glitter Tiles.

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Glacier Babe: Icicles.

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Current Events.: Nubiana; The Month of Celebration. Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels. Forbes.

February 13, 2017 2 Comments

2017 Wardrobe Starter.: Hottest Season Styles.: Essence-Romance.


Crystal-Trim Cold-Shoulder Cocktail Dress, Stone

Color.: Metallic Rose, Sheer Silver Shimmer, & Pistol. (Gun) Metal.

White/ Gold Ombre swatch imageWhite/ Silver Ombre swatch image selectedSilver Nectar swatch image selected

Shop Recommendations:


Keepsake Lost Lover Romper

Guava, Citrus, Buttery Blossoms & Amber.:

GuavaLilyButter BlossomCitrusAmber

Ombre Sequined Half-Sleeve Ball Gown, Iris/White

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonisha

Current Events:



According to the Chinese are not only manipulating their currency! But China is also manipulating price on the new industry that is on the rise, the solar panel industry. With the constant rise of this industry in America and the way of going “green” solar panels and the need for them are on the rise.

China is the leader in distributing solar panels to America; however America is trying to establish its fashion and technology market, and that includes solar panels. Solar World Industries America are the leaders in distributing American solar panels, and according to Gordon Brinser, the chief executive of Solar World Industries America “This basically takes it from being just allegations of illegal activities in this industry to confirmation”.

“This was a growing industry just a couple years ago that has been basically decimated by the Chinese manufacturers.”

– The Fashion Forbes.

Article by: Forbes.

By levying tariffs ranging from 30-250% on all solar panels imported from China, the ruling will constrict the growth of renewable energy here in America, driving up the prices for installers, their customers, and, ultimately, the American taxpayer. This legislation threatens to kill the very blue-collar jobs it claims to save.

Last October, the U.S. subsidiary of the German company SolarWorld Industries filed a petition claiming that Chinese manufacturers were infiltrating the U.S. market, “dumping” their panels at less than cost in a drive to put U.S. manufacturers out of business. Chinese government subsidies, SolarWorld claims, made it impossible to compete.

Click the Link for more of this Article:

Image result for ny times

Article by: NY Times.

When the United States International Trade Commission decided on Wednesday to uphold tariffs of about 24 to 36 percent on most solar panels imported from China, the case’s proponents claimed a major victory. Domestic solar manufacturers said the duties, to be in place for five years, would make up for unfair business practices by Chinese companies that had harmed the domestic market and allow homegrown companies to hire more workers and thrive.

Click the link to continue reading:

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The Sequence.

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Nubiana Heritage Celebration.:

History? It seems, I am still Here!


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A-Nubiana: Double Reality.:

Nubian women also stand for style! Women love to feel beautiful! Show off what they got! American’s Next Top Model is a show where girls do just that! They show off their beauty for the opportunity to showcase their beauty, style, & personality to the world! Double reality Nubiana.

The Following Photo Property: America’s Next Top Model.

Image result for antm toccara photos


Image result for antm eva photosImage result for antm eva photos Image result for antm eva photos

Bio.: Eva Marcille.

Image result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated imageImage result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated image

Valentines Day.: Mood.

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaRelated image

Restaurant in Thessaloniki, Greece | moco-chocoImage result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for him

Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

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(Warning Adult Content.:)

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Global Nubian. Dedication. Nubian History Month.

February 7, 2017 1 Comment

Black History month is an America holiday celebrated in February to showcase and high light the American black. This is holiday started in America 1926! America has honored it’s Nubian’s ever since! In 1926 Nubian blacks where finally accepted into politics and able to have some government ruling! In the early 1900’s, only two races live in America, all building toward a universal cultural understanding.


Black Nubian persons from all around the world are interconnected through the origins in Africa! Africa is the birthplace for modern day civilization as humans today no it! Throughout the course of time, evolution, switch of resources, and weather, culture and race are created due to various time and migration. Africa origin home to all is still the only place known in the world to be connected to the earth core.

Black History Month 2017

  • Began Wednesday, February 1
  • Ends Tuesday, February 28


Gallery of The Modern Nubian.: 2017.

The creation and evolution of race, culture, and individual person! We are still evolving! America is a melting pot and the origin of new faces and cultures! America seems to be the only place in the world that you can do this on a large scale! At some point we have to acknowledge the evolution and respect people’s new cultural and racial stimuli.

When the original African people are brought to America, they are assigned a seemingly simple task to main and manage the cotton fields, for the American skill and job training force. Africa people eventually got into it! Learning new skills, construction, becoming bi-lingual, processes, etc. Africa’s did the city jobs, while usually America white cultured soldiers and persons who where Christian begin to build the interworking’s of the nation. This is why everyone is able to become free and live in peace, everyone knew they’re position and played it! Also each culture is busy establishing themselves as well as they are able! The history and believes of Rome, Europe, Salem, etc. Dwell with “The White Bosses” and they do not want the same insane reality! Everything that touched America had to be put in order, and if it is done well enough, one may not have to do it again on such a large scale. Everyone took the new understanding and used it to seemingly settle down, with a understanding ” WE ARE. I am self, above me there is non other.”sweatshop-1-728

The oriental African’s eventually realized they where being infatuatedly objectified by persons attracted to them, being trained, and being bread into a new culture while some mated with they’re bosses. During this time, like sweat shops things where not really up to code and most workers stayed in a tiny home community, that is once the owners right on the owners acre property.



  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.


The Hippie Movement as Inspiration.: Mood.

1960’s-70’s Hippie Reality.


VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

VLUU L100, M100 / Samsung L100, M100


Top World Fashion Sites:







Just a word.: Do not even mention someone’s race or culture at all! What else do you have to talk about?




Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as “Negro History Week” and later as ” Black History Month .” What you might not know is that black history had barely begun to be studied-or even documented-when the tradition originated. -Bing.

Gallery of the Worlds Black Nubian Creations.: 2017.

The face of Black. I am a Nubian.


Personality.: Unspoken Creed.

A Creed to ensure safety! A Creed to preserve evolution. A Creed to build a people, a culture, a history!


noun: creed; plural noun: creeds
  1. a system of Christian or other religious belief; a faith.
    “people of many creeds and cultures”
    synonyms: faith, religion, religious belief, religious persuasion, church, denomination, sect

    “people of many creeds and cultures”
    • a formal statement of Christian beliefs, especially the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed.
      noun: Creed; noun: the Creed
      synonyms: system of belief, set of beliefs, beliefs, principles, articles of faith, ideology, credo, doctrine, teaching, dogma, tenets, canons

      “his political creed”
    • a set of beliefs or aims that guide someone’s actions.


Grow in understanding! Just because you do not grow, that may not be the same for those amongst. Your reality is not that of others, ” A man’s way is right in his own eyes”. Grow! Be open to growth! Lest one may fall behind! You can not expect unknowing persons to dwell in your ignorance or know about your personal feelings for that matter. The way you feel is just that, the way you feel, could it be leading you down a path of growth and understanding? In all thy getting.

Todays stereotypes and cliché’s are taken out of context all the time. Saying something with a unique tone of voice does not change what is said.


” The glass is half empty.” Vs. “The glass is half full.”

“I do not care” Vs. “I could care less.”

“Whatever.” Vs. “What so ever.”

“Never” Vs. “Ever”

“Shore” Vs. “Sure.”

“Can’t” Vs. “Won’t”

Are today’s people operating in their right to create!? Create the new classic!


Members from the topless women’s rights group Femen, with messages written on their chests, including ‘Muslims Let’s get Naked’ (C), take part in a demonstration near their ‘training camp’ at the Lavoir Moderne Parisen (LMP) in Paris September 18, 2012. Ukrainian feminist rights group FEMEN members moved to France to ‘recruit soldiers’ in their fight against the discrimination of women. REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen (FRANCE – Tags: SOCIETY) TEMPLATE OUT


Gallery of 60’s Culture Style & Retro National Peace Outbreaks.:



Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

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Quote of The Day!

March 9, 2015


A bit of quotes with a twist of the hottest 2015 Resort/ Pre Spring season silhou’s…

Jargon of the Day: Silhou’s: Short for silhouette!

“There’s lots of bad reasons to start a company. But there’s only one good, legitimate reason, and I think you know what it is: it’s to change the world.” – Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote.
“The secret to successful hiring is this: look for the people who want to change the world.” – Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce.


“There’s nothing wrong with staying small. You can do big things with a small team.” – Jason Fried


“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game’s winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that’s why I succeed.”

– Michael Jordan, NBA Hall of Famer.


“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” – Scott Belsky, co-founder of Behance.

“To any entrepreneur: if you want to do it, do it now. If you don’t, you’re going to regret it.” – Catherine Cook, co-founder of MyYearbook.

Hottest Swim Design 2015.

“Always deliver more than expected.” —Larry Page, co-founder of Google.

“Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical.” – Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks.

The Body Suit: 2015 Resort.
Available at:

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney, co-founder of the Walt Disney Company.
“Love this look. Even with a plaid blouse.”- Akika Parker.
Hots For NYC 2015 Spring.

 “For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect.”


“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it “eventually,” just do it and correct course along the way.”- Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week.

“Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” – Tom Kelley, Ideo partner.


“We are currently not planning on conquering the world.” – Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.

Tag A Source: Some Outsourced Photos

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Quote of the Day!

February 17, 2015


“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” 
― Harry S. Truman 


“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” — John Quincy Adams, U.S. president from 1825 to 1829.


“The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.” ― George Washington, U.S. president from 1789 to 1797. Facing challenges.


 “Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. president from 1953 to 1961. Reaching your goals quotes.


 “I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.” — Woodrow Wilson, U.S. president from 1913 to 1921. On teamwork


 “Be patient and calm; no one can catch a fish with anger.” ― Herbert Hoover, U.S. president from 1929 to 1933.

 “Never waste a minute thinking about people you don’t like.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. president from 1953 to 1961. On quality friendships


Tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time.” – Gerald R. Ford, U.S. president from 1974 to 1977.


“Believe that you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. president from 1901 to 1909. Confidence Quote


 “I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.”

– Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president from 1861 to 1865. Progress Quotes

Elle’s New Creative Director: Alex Gonzalez: Artistic Director Career Links Below.

May 21, 2014

Alex Gonzalez

Artistic director for “Marie Claire Magazine” and executive artistic director for “Town and Country”, Alex Gonzalez will replace Joe Zee as creative director for Elle Magazine. Gonzalez will keep both his position at Marie Claire and Town & Country; while Zee is takes a new career at Yahoo later this month.


Joe Zee

Hearst Magazine president David Carey is quoted to say, “Alex has the skill and imagination to communicate the unique essence of a brand through design. His work on Marie Claire strengthened this important franchise, and I look forward to him now enriching ELLE’s global spirit and strong fashion point-of-view, while continuing to oversee the look and feel of Town & Country.”

Hot Artistic Director Jobs Links from All over the Globe:

Career Links:

Examples of Listings:

1. Assistant Artistic Director
Bineau Maison
Paris Area, France – Apr 30, 2014

2. Artistic Director
Common Ground Dance Company
Baltimore, Maryland Area – May 14, 2014

3. Senior Grant Writer/Manger
Young People’s Chorus of New York City
Greater New York City Area – Apr 23, 2014

Related Articles:


Elle’s New Creative Director: Alex Gonzalez: Artistic Director Career Links Below.

Tag A Source: Some Outsourced Photos.

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Nelson Mandela’s Politics of Peace Once Again Brings a Nation Together

December 10, 2013 1 Comment



Some people don’t have to be alive to bring togetherness. Even in his death Nelson Mandela makes history. His passing has caused one of the largest gatherings of world leaders in history. In south Africa today gathers nearly 100 Presidents. Prime ministers and royalty from all over the world came to S.Africa to show their support and pay this legendary icon homage one last time.

By: Akika Parker

Politics of Peace



President Obama was the main speaker at this event. A major shocker though was when he shook hands with Cuban Ruler Raul Castro.

Watch the Clip:

Former US Presidents; Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Jimmy Carter were also in attendance.

President Obama gives his Eulogy:

Highlighted Quotes:

“Mandela taught us the power of action but he also taught us the power of ideas! The importance of reason, and arguments, but also the need to study who you agree with but also who you don’t agree with. He understood that ideas could not be contained by prison walls; or extinguished by a snipers bullet. He turned his trial of an indictment of a partied because of his eloquence, his passion but also because of his training as an advocate. He used decades of prison to sharpen his arguments but also to spread his thirst for knowledge to others in the movement and he learned the language and the customs of his oppressors so that he might better convey to them how their own freedom depend upon his.”

– President Obama



Trend Alert: Michelle Obama Fashion Moment major!!!!

December 9, 2013


Michelle Obama turned heads in the teal strapless gown while attending the opera. This silhouette will be a major trend in gowns this season. Although its almost the typical sweatheart neckline, the effortless draping is what gives this look its allure. The gown? A beautiful Marchesa design.


The Huffington Post quoted President Obama:

As President Obama once noted, “You can be stylish and powerful too — that’s Michelle’s advice.” Amen to that.



“Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless”
-Bill Clinton


Quote of the Da…

August 13, 2013

Happy Birthday President Obama: Style Icon: Men’s Fashion

August 6, 2013 1 Comment


Not only is he our President but he is a man. We celebrate another year of President Obama who’s birthday was celebrated August 4th is 52 years old! Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.

This birthday had to be a great one for the President with the recent good reviews for his speech given to political leaders in which he pushed the middle class and creating jobs for the middle class:

obama1“So I’m challenging CEOs to do more to get these Americans back on their feet.  And I’m going to bring together the CEOs and companies that are putting in place some of the best practices for recruiting and training and hiring workers who have been out of work for a long time, but want the chance to show that they’re ready to go back to work.  (Applause.) “

Justin Timberlake Feat.  Jay-Z: Suit & Tie


The President is always seen in clean cut suits! Maybe he can teach you men a thing or two about Fashion! Mr. Obama keeps it simple and classic with a suit & tie! defiantly an advocate for tailored chic. Take a Look: President Obama:

Men’s Fashion!

President Barack Obama in Washington on March 4. Photo by Jason Reed/Reutersobama3








Quote of the Day!

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”
Lyndon B. Johnson


Quote of the Da…

May 15, 2013

Michelle Obama Bangs…. Trend Alert!

January 27, 2013

It has been almost a week since Washington‘s celebrations for President Obama’s inauguration and amongst topics discussed: fashion, Beyonce, and how thick the doors are on the president’s car also known as “the beast!” And bangs! Michelle Obama‘s bangs have been all over the media! How big will the thick bang trend be in 2013?

Leadership Quote

January 26, 2013

Dwight D. Eisenhower, official portrait as Pre...

Dwight D. Eisenhower, official portrait as President. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Rather the dynamic diva sang live or lip-sync “The National Anthem” doesn’t matter much, because at some point she did sing it! This diva wanted to make sure she brought in the last inauguration right and perfectly for President Obama! And she did just that! Hats off to Beyonce!

-Akika Parker

Beyonce Singing “The National Anthem” 2013 inauguration

January 21, 2013 1 Comment

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Dwight D. Eisenhower, official portrait as Pre...

Dwight D. Eisenhower, official portrait as President. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


December 31, 2012