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Current Events.: Nubiana; The Month of Celebration. Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels. Forbes.

February 13, 2017 2 Comments

2017 Wardrobe Starter.: Hottest Season Styles.: Essence-Romance.


Crystal-Trim Cold-Shoulder Cocktail Dress, Stone

Color.: Metallic Rose, Sheer Silver Shimmer, & Pistol. (Gun) Metal.

White/ Gold Ombre swatch imageWhite/ Silver Ombre swatch image selectedSilver Nectar swatch image selected

Shop Recommendations:


Keepsake Lost Lover Romper

Guava, Citrus, Buttery Blossoms & Amber.:

GuavaLilyButter BlossomCitrusAmber

Ombre Sequined Half-Sleeve Ball Gown, Iris/White

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonisha

Current Events:



According to the Chinese are not only manipulating their currency! But China is also manipulating price on the new industry that is on the rise, the solar panel industry. With the constant rise of this industry in America and the way of going “green” solar panels and the need for them are on the rise.

China is the leader in distributing solar panels to America; however America is trying to establish its fashion and technology market, and that includes solar panels. Solar World Industries America are the leaders in distributing American solar panels, and according to Gordon Brinser, the chief executive of Solar World Industries America “This basically takes it from being just allegations of illegal activities in this industry to confirmation”.

“This was a growing industry just a couple years ago that has been basically decimated by the Chinese manufacturers.”

– The Fashion Forbes.

Article by: Forbes.

By levying tariffs ranging from 30-250% on all solar panels imported from China, the ruling will constrict the growth of renewable energy here in America, driving up the prices for installers, their customers, and, ultimately, the American taxpayer. This legislation threatens to kill the very blue-collar jobs it claims to save.

Last October, the U.S. subsidiary of the German company SolarWorld Industries filed a petition claiming that Chinese manufacturers were infiltrating the U.S. market, “dumping” their panels at less than cost in a drive to put U.S. manufacturers out of business. Chinese government subsidies, SolarWorld claims, made it impossible to compete.

Click the Link for more of this Article:

Image result for ny times

Article by: NY Times.

When the United States International Trade Commission decided on Wednesday to uphold tariffs of about 24 to 36 percent on most solar panels imported from China, the case’s proponents claimed a major victory. Domestic solar manufacturers said the duties, to be in place for five years, would make up for unfair business practices by Chinese companies that had harmed the domestic market and allow homegrown companies to hire more workers and thrive.

Click the link to continue reading:

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The Sequence.

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Nubiana Heritage Celebration.:

History? It seems, I am still Here!


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A-Nubiana: Double Reality.:

Nubian women also stand for style! Women love to feel beautiful! Show off what they got! American’s Next Top Model is a show where girls do just that! They show off their beauty for the opportunity to showcase their beauty, style, & personality to the world! Double reality Nubiana.

The Following Photo Property: America’s Next Top Model.

Image result for antm toccara photos


Image result for antm eva photosImage result for antm eva photos Image result for antm eva photos

Bio.: Eva Marcille.

Image result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated imageImage result for antm eva photosRelated imageRelated image

Valentines Day.: Mood.

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaRelated image

Restaurant in Thessaloniki, Greece | moco-chocoImage result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for him

Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Million! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000.00 +. Visit our Tip Page Today! Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now!

(Warning Adult Content.:)

Must be over 18.


One who is selfish.

Image result for selfish

Can those who are selfish get an understanding.

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Nubian History News.: February.


“Just because you say something does not mean the other person cares to listen.”-Style Orbes. F.F.Orbes.

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The Essence.



One does not need an army to love themselves it seems. You care for yourself! You are always your main priority, other people? Who cares?

Do not be guile, today’s society is about numbers; however do not treed! Most persons accounts are hacked by companies who think that everyone want to see them! For example; if “Tube” pays for videos to be posted by view, they will hack your email connected with the account to hack progress. Tube and others put out they’re own artists and give them special advertising etc because Tube plans to use them to generate extra money themselves.

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Off Shore Accounts.:

Other countries do not trust American banks! America does a bunch! Which is why America is in debt! Not too many other nations have supported America in it’s Trillion dollar debt, yet its still America to the rescue!  It could be simple as; one quality client in an American bank that is filled with triple the amount of debt, America can then be free of debt.

Will America start being able to be a place that does not need off shore accounts to have diligence with they’re hard earned money.


Crabs in a Bucket:

Like seriously thirst buckets are everywhere lurking! Those who are focused are not even thinking about it, usually because they have a job to do. Crabs, do not have a original anything! It seems, all they do is harass the original.

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Rumor Vs. Truth.:

Just because you hear things about another person does not deem it truth. Some people spread rumors about people just to sit back and watch to see what they’re rumor of possible no or otherwise twisted truth.

Think: Obviously the rumor isn’t from them about themselves.

Image result for Spy kids thumb camera

Camera Tech is getting more advanced! With the development of Google glass basically sheer basically invisible camera technology they released in 2014, it makes it all the more “easy” to record people personal information.



The world could be dealing with a very modern robot vs. human war creation! Some person following are body counts, literally! The internet is set to become a phetty place possibly due to persons of the new baby boomer generation has access to it! Due to the lack of hard work and talent it take to really get into the current Hollywood industry window, isn’t a

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The face of a newborn.?

reality! Its all meant to be a distraction from the truth! The hostage that is being held, and is the most talented. In the spirit of purity and truth, and the lack of it is why no ones career other than the pure at heart have longevity.

They is one person causing the detraction to hide the identity of another and they kill off the personalities publicly because of groupies and trying to hide they’re offenses.

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One fights a silent fight with bots!? Shown subliminally in Snow White and the Huntsman.

Stem Cell:

Since the days of ancient Egypt one has been able to understand the simplicity of wearing body costumes, which is also a part of why Egypt is so wealthy, they’re showmanship!

Warning: Caviar.

Caviar are in every person, almost! A women ovaries and a male scrotum holds they’re caviar! Caviar can be stolen a mixed to make a new being, however; those that do this love children’s faces it seems and breed children for the purpose of a face then dispose of them, either by creating a new creature out of them or just some other method.

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Hieroglyphics from Egypt is speculated to tell all sorts of stories and subliminal.


  1. The animal heads represent, Animal costumes of persons believed nature of origin, (reptilian persons).
  2. Adults want to keep they’re identity a secret from the younger slaves or officials, to hide the face of the most important castle officials, under the current ruler. The larger person represent adults and the smaller, children & teens.
  3. From the far right, the experimented animal, leads into the understanding that they can wear animal skins regularly, this is taught to the teaching adults, whom got the idea from students or taught the findings to the students present above the adults with animal heads.
  4. How to make a jacka** out of someone!
Image result for snow white and the huntsman battle

All of the information released about most “celebrities” is all lies.!?


Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Billion! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000,000.00 +. Visit our Tip Page Today! Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now!


Mood.: Current Events: Selfish.

February 1, 2017

Visual Displays: Paris

August 9, 2013

paris1Most underestimate the power of a visual display! Not in Paris.”Shopping in Paris is like walking through an art gallery” says tourist Gale Prib. Visual window displays are the first thing a customer see, if you’re a boutique/store/business owner who using visual window displays, ask yourself what are my windows saying? Check out some of these hot Paris Window displays from some of the hottest designers!

By: Akika Parker

Theme Music: Yacht- Le Goudron

Ralph Lauren:




Max Chaoul Couture:


Take a look at some of the other windows! They use minimalist details such as; color, prints, and mixing simple silhouettes with large details which keeps the focus on the clothing but also provides something that makes the eyes dance!



Photo Credit: Gale Prib

Quote of the Day!


Thirteen year old Talia Joy is remembered for her beauty, talented make-up tutorials and coveting smile. This young lady suffered from two forms of cancer and now marks the end of her journey.

“She was fierce”- Ellen Degeneres





Quote of the Da…

July 16, 2013

jw1When: Friday, July 12

Live Performance @ Nex Sacramento

All of my party people!!! Sacramento Ca is getting a little treat! A night of stars at club Nex! in down town Sacramento!

Rapper’s: Bow Wow and J. Winans are going to perform and turn up the night life!

J.Winans an underground artist and new comer to the Sacramento Night Scene is going to turn up the spot! Not only is he musically talented but also the reason why Bow Wow has agreed to turn up Sac! In addition to helping launch Club Nex in Downtown Sacramento as one of the hottest places to be.  Not only just this July 12th but every night to get your dance fix, with some of the hottest and elite in the Sacramento area.


Wale- Bad (Cover By J.Winans)


Hot Cali Nights!: Bow Wow and J. Winans: Club Nex Event!

July 8, 2013

How to Dress Your Body Type! Tips on How to make yourself look taller Below!

May 10, 2013 9 Comments

Every person has a body type! if you’re a woman it’s probably one of these! Since women are all different shapes and sizes it’s imperative that you know what works for you!
Take the rounded shape and diamond figures below! These are some of the hardest shapes to conquer, because this means your rounder or broader in the middle! This is almost the complete opposite of the hour-glass figure.
By: Akika Parker
Here’s a Great Article found on giving you trick on how to make yourself look taller! To view their site click here:

14 Fashion Tips And Tricks To Make You Look Taller

Posted by , on May 3, 2013 at 1:29 pm

We all know there are certain things that simply can’t be changed—as much as you might want to. One great example: your height, which can sometimes feel like a serious impediment to your style—especially for the vertically-challenged, who often complain that a certain street style star’s look would “only look good on someone tall.”

Until science comes up with a way for petite folks to add a few extra inches, your best bet is to rely on a few clever fashion tips and tricks to fake those extra inches. Below are 14 ways to instantly look taller using nothing but what you’ve got in your closet.

 14 Fashion Tips And Tricks To Make You Look Taller

Photo via Vanessa Jackman

1. Try flared jeans. Fitted jeans with a distinct flare at the bottom create the illusion of a longer leg— especially when the hem hits the top of your shoes (heels, of course!) The trick here is to keep the fit of the jean super-slim through the leg, and to make sure the waistband hits your natural waist—not any lower. For optimal height, be sure to pair your flares with a waist-length top, or a blouse you can tuck in.

maxi skirt stylecaster

Photo via Stockholm Street Style

2. Don’t discount maxi skirts! It’s common fashion folklore that small women simply cannot wear floor-grazing skirts and dresses, but luckily that’s been proven entirely false. In fact, a well-cut maxi skirt can actually give you the appearance of looking taller, as evidenced by petite gals like Rachel Bilson, Rachel Zoe, and Mary-Kate Olsen. Choose solid versions that skim the length of your body, which will create a long vertical line (forego anything with thick pleats or too many layers.) Be sure to keep your top fitted—a tucked-in T-shirt and a cropped leather jacket, for example—so as to not drown in fabric. Also, make sure the skirt’s hemline is as long as you can go without tripping, and add a pair of wedges or heels underneath.

atlantic pacific shoes

Photo via Atlantic-Pacific

3. Choose heels with a low-cut vamp. Here’s small trick that can change the way you shoe shop: Shoes that have a low-cut vamp instantely elongate your leg (and make them look slimmer, as well) when you’re wearing skirts, shorts, and dresses. What’s a vamp? It’s the portion of a show that cuts across your foot at the front. So, a low vamp cuts across the base of the toes, while high vamp can come up the foot and possibly up to the ankle. If you’re able to find a pair that matches your skintone, like the image above, that’s even better to give the illusion of mile-long legs.

 14 Fashion Tips And Tricks To Make You Look Taller

4. If you’re going short, go short! When you’re petite, it’s just a fact that—when it comes to skirts and dresses—you should either go super-long, or super-short (translation: avoid calf-length and knee-lengths). Mini-skirts show more skin, which creates the illusion of a longer leg. Here, petite It-girl Miroslava Duma pairs her mini-skirt with a matching top (see tip #6!) and sky-high platforms. While ankle straps typically aren’t ideal for short ladies (they cut off your leg), they can work with super-short skirts since more skin is being shown. Of course, if you’re wearing a mini, make sure it’s not offensively short—let’s keep it chic, ladies.

 14 Fashion Tips And Tricks To Make You Look Taller

Photo via Wander with Style

5. Rock a top knot! Obvious, yes, but piling your hair on top of your head really does gives a taller impression, again creating a more vertical line. Same goes for hair that’s simply voluminous—it adds inches! Time to put away that flatiron, friends.

 14 Fashion Tips And Tricks To Make You Look Taller

Photo via Vogue Spain

6. Wear all one color. Using color to enhance the illusion of height is a highly effective strategy, as it helps create a vertical line. While wearing head-to-toe black is the simplest—and eternally chicest—option, saturated hues work well, too (a look that’s incredibly now, as well.) The trick to monochrome dressing: Keep each silhouette crisp and tailored.

stockholm street style

Photo via Stockholm Streetstyle

7. Say yes to high-waist bottoms! High-waist bottoms get a bad rap, possibly thanks to an unfortunate Jessica Simpson style mishap, but when worn correctly, they can trick the eye into thinking you’re taller by elongating your lower body. Whether you choose skirts, shorts or skinny jeans, be sure to make the elevated waist visible by tucking in a tailored blouse, or opting for a slightly cropped top.

 14 Fashion Tips And Tricks To Make You Look Taller

Photo via Auds3/Instagram

8. Wear pointy flats. Since nobody can be expected to wear sky-high heels every day, petite gals should invest in a pair of pointy flats. Why? Because it’s a known fact that shoes with pointed toes lengthen your leg line.

 14 Fashion Tips And Tricks To Make You Look Taller

Photo via The Pink Peonies

9. Rock out with vertical stripes. It’s the oldest trick in the book for a reason: Vertical stripes create long lines, thus making you look, well, longer. Bonus: Stripes are one of spring’s biggest trends, so you’ll have absolutely no problem locating some cute striped options.

black leather etsy bag

Image via Etsy

10. Ditch the gigantic shoulder bag! Keeping your accessories appropriately scaled to your body size is a smart move for petite girls, starting with that oversized bag. Here’s why: Every time you cause the eye to take in width, you reduce the amount of height it takes in. That means smaller cross-body bags, clutches, and small top-handle totes are your best bet.

wavy bob ombre

Photo via Joujou Villeroy

11. Chop your hair. Long hair drags petite girls down, while shorter hair does the opposite. For the wary: A wavy lob (long bob) is the best option—it shows off your shoulders and your neckline, which makes you look taller (plus, it’s so chic!). Daring gals should go even shorter: a super-sleek chin-length bob or an elegant gamine-esque pixie.

belt skinny

Photo via Lookbook.Nu

12. Stick with skinny belts. When it comes to belts, short girls should always opt for a skinny version—it’ll define your natural waist in the most flattering way possible, but won’t cut you in half the way a super-thick belt can, which causes you to look shorter.

sincerely jules style

Photo via Sincerely Jules

13. Be mindful of proportion. When you’re petite, it’s imperative to be sure all your clothes fit properly (a good tailor is key!). Wearing cropped skinny jeans? Make sure they’re not too cropped and that the hem hits the ankle area—small gals should avoid anything resembling capri pants, as they cut your leg awkwardly. With blazers and jackets, always make sure the seams sit perfectly at the bony tops of your shoulders and that the sleeves hit exactly at your wrist.

geri hirsch

Photo via Because I’m Addicted

14. Wear V-necks. Tops with plunging V necklines give the illusion of a longer, leaner torso, so keep that in mind when you’re shopping for new tops this season!