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Global Nubian. Dedication. Nubian History Month.

February 7, 2017 1 Comment

Black History month is an America holiday celebrated in February to showcase and high light the American black. This is holiday started in America 1926! America has honored it’s Nubian’s ever since! In 1926 Nubian blacks where finally accepted into politics and able to have some government ruling! In the early 1900’s, only two races live in America, all building toward a universal cultural understanding.


Black Nubian persons from all around the world are interconnected through the origins in Africa! Africa is the birthplace for modern day civilization as humans today no it! Throughout the course of time, evolution, switch of resources, and weather, culture and race are created due to various time and migration. Africa origin home to all is still the only place known in the world to be connected to the earth core.

Black History Month 2017

  • Began Wednesday, February 1
  • Ends Tuesday, February 28


Gallery of The Modern Nubian.: 2017.

The creation and evolution of race, culture, and individual person! We are still evolving! America is a melting pot and the origin of new faces and cultures! America seems to be the only place in the world that you can do this on a large scale! At some point we have to acknowledge the evolution and respect people’s new cultural and racial stimuli.

When the original African people are brought to America, they are assigned a seemingly simple task to main and manage the cotton fields, for the American skill and job training force. Africa people eventually got into it! Learning new skills, construction, becoming bi-lingual, processes, etc. Africa’s did the city jobs, while usually America white cultured soldiers and persons who where Christian begin to build the interworking’s of the nation. This is why everyone is able to become free and live in peace, everyone knew they’re position and played it! Also each culture is busy establishing themselves as well as they are able! The history and believes of Rome, Europe, Salem, etc. Dwell with “The White Bosses” and they do not want the same insane reality! Everything that touched America had to be put in order, and if it is done well enough, one may not have to do it again on such a large scale. Everyone took the new understanding and used it to seemingly settle down, with a understanding ” WE ARE. I am self, above me there is non other.”sweatshop-1-728

The oriental African’s eventually realized they where being infatuatedly objectified by persons attracted to them, being trained, and being bread into a new culture while some mated with they’re bosses. During this time, like sweat shops things where not really up to code and most workers stayed in a tiny home community, that is once the owners right on the owners acre property.



  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.


The Hippie Movement as Inspiration.: Mood.

1960’s-70’s Hippie Reality.


VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

VLUU L100, M100 / Samsung L100, M100


Top World Fashion Sites:







Just a word.: Do not even mention someone’s race or culture at all! What else do you have to talk about?




Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as “Negro History Week” and later as ” Black History Month .” What you might not know is that black history had barely begun to be studied-or even documented-when the tradition originated. -Bing.

Gallery of the Worlds Black Nubian Creations.: 2017.

The face of Black. I am a Nubian.


Personality.: Unspoken Creed.

A Creed to ensure safety! A Creed to preserve evolution. A Creed to build a people, a culture, a history!


noun: creed; plural noun: creeds
  1. a system of Christian or other religious belief; a faith.
    “people of many creeds and cultures”
    synonyms: faith, religion, religious belief, religious persuasion, church, denomination, sect

    “people of many creeds and cultures”
    • a formal statement of Christian beliefs, especially the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed.
      noun: Creed; noun: the Creed
      synonyms: system of belief, set of beliefs, beliefs, principles, articles of faith, ideology, credo, doctrine, teaching, dogma, tenets, canons

      “his political creed”
    • a set of beliefs or aims that guide someone’s actions.


Grow in understanding! Just because you do not grow, that may not be the same for those amongst. Your reality is not that of others, ” A man’s way is right in his own eyes”. Grow! Be open to growth! Lest one may fall behind! You can not expect unknowing persons to dwell in your ignorance or know about your personal feelings for that matter. The way you feel is just that, the way you feel, could it be leading you down a path of growth and understanding? In all thy getting.

Todays stereotypes and cliché’s are taken out of context all the time. Saying something with a unique tone of voice does not change what is said.


” The glass is half empty.” Vs. “The glass is half full.”

“I do not care” Vs. “I could care less.”

“Whatever.” Vs. “What so ever.”

“Never” Vs. “Ever”

“Shore” Vs. “Sure.”

“Can’t” Vs. “Won’t”

Are today’s people operating in their right to create!? Create the new classic!


Members from the topless women’s rights group Femen, with messages written on their chests, including ‘Muslims Let’s get Naked’ (C), take part in a demonstration near their ‘training camp’ at the Lavoir Moderne Parisen (LMP) in Paris September 18, 2012. Ukrainian feminist rights group FEMEN members moved to France to ‘recruit soldiers’ in their fight against the discrimination of women. REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen (FRANCE – Tags: SOCIETY) TEMPLATE OUT


Gallery of 60’s Culture Style & Retro National Peace Outbreaks.:



Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

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