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February 2, 2018

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Fall/Autumn 2018.

Full View Link.

Pleats. Fringe. Lace. Shimmer. Cool Colors. Fall Prints (Leafs & Vines). Feathers.

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Home Improvements: Glitter Tiles.

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Glacier Babe: Icicles.

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Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Million! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000.00 +. Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. This Instance. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now.

Current Events.: Nubiana; The Month of Celebration. Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels. Forbes.

February 13, 2017 2 Comments

2017 Wardrobe Starter.: Hottest Season Styles.: Essence-Romance.


Crystal-Trim Cold-Shoulder Cocktail Dress, Stone

Color.: Metallic Rose, Sheer Silver Shimmer, & Pistol. (Gun) Metal.

White/ Gold Ombre swatch imageWhite/ Silver Ombre swatch image selectedSilver Nectar swatch image selected

Shop Recommendations:


Keepsake Lost Lover Romper

Guava, Citrus, Buttery Blossoms & Amber.:

GuavaLilyButter BlossomCitrusAmber

Ombre Sequined Half-Sleeve Ball Gown, Iris/White

Image result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonisha

Current Events:



According to the Chinese are not only manipulating their currency! But China is also manipulating price on the new industry that is on the rise, the solar panel industry. With the constant rise of this industry in America and the way of going “green” solar panels and the need for them are on the rise.

China is the leader in distributing solar panels to America; however America is trying to establish its fashion and technology market, and that includes solar panels. Solar World Industries America are the leaders in distributing American solar panels, and according to Gordon Brinser, the chief executive of Solar World Industries America “This basically takes it from being just allegations of illegal activities in this industry to confirmation”.

“This was a growing industry just a couple years ago that has been basically decimated by the Chinese manufacturers.”

– The Fashion Forbes.

Article by: Forbes.

By levying tariffs ranging from 30-250% on all solar panels imported from China, the ruling will constrict the growth of renewable energy here in America, driving up the prices for installers, their customers, and, ultimately, the American taxpayer. This legislation threatens to kill the very blue-collar jobs it claims to save.

Last October, the U.S. subsidiary of the German company SolarWorld Industries filed a petition claiming that Chinese manufacturers were infiltrating the U.S. market, “dumping” their panels at less than cost in a drive to put U.S. manufacturers out of business. Chinese government subsidies, SolarWorld claims, made it impossible to compete.

Click the Link for more of this Article:

Image result for ny times

Article by: NY Times.

When the United States International Trade Commission decided on Wednesday to uphold tariffs of about 24 to 36 percent on most solar panels imported from China, the case’s proponents claimed a major victory. Domestic solar manufacturers said the duties, to be in place for five years, would make up for unfair business practices by Chinese companies that had harmed the domestic market and allow homegrown companies to hire more workers and thrive.

Click the link to continue reading:

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The Sequence.

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Nubiana Heritage Celebration.:

History? It seems, I am still Here!


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A-Nubiana: Double Reality.:

Nubian women also stand for style! Women love to feel beautiful! Show off what they got! American’s Next Top Model is a show where girls do just that! They show off their beauty for the opportunity to showcase their beauty, style, & personality to the world! Double reality Nubiana.

The Following Photo Property: America’s Next Top Model.

Image result for antm toccara photos


Image result for antm eva photosImage result for antm eva photos Image result for antm eva photos

Bio.: Eva Marcille.

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Valentines Day.: Mood.

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Restaurant in Thessaloniki, Greece | moco-chocoImage result for tupac, tony, twila, & tonishaImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for himImage result for valentines day ideas for him

Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Million! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000.00 +. Visit our Tip Page Today! Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now!

(Warning Adult Content.:)

Must be over 18.


Global Nubian. Dedication. Nubian History Month.

February 7, 2017 1 Comment

Black History month is an America holiday celebrated in February to showcase and high light the American black. This is holiday started in America 1926! America has honored it’s Nubian’s ever since! In 1926 Nubian blacks where finally accepted into politics and able to have some government ruling! In the early 1900’s, only two races live in America, all building toward a universal cultural understanding.


Black Nubian persons from all around the world are interconnected through the origins in Africa! Africa is the birthplace for modern day civilization as humans today no it! Throughout the course of time, evolution, switch of resources, and weather, culture and race are created due to various time and migration. Africa origin home to all is still the only place known in the world to be connected to the earth core.

Black History Month 2017

  • Began Wednesday, February 1
  • Ends Tuesday, February 28


Gallery of The Modern Nubian.: 2017.

The creation and evolution of race, culture, and individual person! We are still evolving! America is a melting pot and the origin of new faces and cultures! America seems to be the only place in the world that you can do this on a large scale! At some point we have to acknowledge the evolution and respect people’s new cultural and racial stimuli.

When the original African people are brought to America, they are assigned a seemingly simple task to main and manage the cotton fields, for the American skill and job training force. Africa people eventually got into it! Learning new skills, construction, becoming bi-lingual, processes, etc. Africa’s did the city jobs, while usually America white cultured soldiers and persons who where Christian begin to build the interworking’s of the nation. This is why everyone is able to become free and live in peace, everyone knew they’re position and played it! Also each culture is busy establishing themselves as well as they are able! The history and believes of Rome, Europe, Salem, etc. Dwell with “The White Bosses” and they do not want the same insane reality! Everything that touched America had to be put in order, and if it is done well enough, one may not have to do it again on such a large scale. Everyone took the new understanding and used it to seemingly settle down, with a understanding ” WE ARE. I am self, above me there is non other.”sweatshop-1-728

The oriental African’s eventually realized they where being infatuatedly objectified by persons attracted to them, being trained, and being bread into a new culture while some mated with they’re bosses. During this time, like sweat shops things where not really up to code and most workers stayed in a tiny home community, that is once the owners right on the owners acre property.



  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.


The Hippie Movement as Inspiration.: Mood.

1960’s-70’s Hippie Reality.


VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

VLUU L100, M100 / Samsung L100, M100


Top World Fashion Sites:







Just a word.: Do not even mention someone’s race or culture at all! What else do you have to talk about?




Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as “Negro History Week” and later as ” Black History Month .” What you might not know is that black history had barely begun to be studied-or even documented-when the tradition originated. -Bing.

Gallery of the Worlds Black Nubian Creations.: 2017.

The face of Black. I am a Nubian.


Personality.: Unspoken Creed.

A Creed to ensure safety! A Creed to preserve evolution. A Creed to build a people, a culture, a history!


noun: creed; plural noun: creeds
  1. a system of Christian or other religious belief; a faith.
    “people of many creeds and cultures”
    synonyms: faith, religion, religious belief, religious persuasion, church, denomination, sect

    “people of many creeds and cultures”
    • a formal statement of Christian beliefs, especially the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed.
      noun: Creed; noun: the Creed
      synonyms: system of belief, set of beliefs, beliefs, principles, articles of faith, ideology, credo, doctrine, teaching, dogma, tenets, canons

      “his political creed”
    • a set of beliefs or aims that guide someone’s actions.


Grow in understanding! Just because you do not grow, that may not be the same for those amongst. Your reality is not that of others, ” A man’s way is right in his own eyes”. Grow! Be open to growth! Lest one may fall behind! You can not expect unknowing persons to dwell in your ignorance or know about your personal feelings for that matter. The way you feel is just that, the way you feel, could it be leading you down a path of growth and understanding? In all thy getting.

Todays stereotypes and clichĂŠ’s are taken out of context all the time. Saying something with a unique tone of voice does not change what is said.


” The glass is half empty.” Vs. “The glass is half full.”

“I do not care” Vs. “I could care less.”

“Whatever.” Vs. “What so ever.”

“Never” Vs. “Ever”

“Shore” Vs. “Sure.”

“Can’t” Vs. “Won’t”

Are today’s people operating in their right to create!? Create the new classic!


Members from the topless women’s rights group Femen, with messages written on their chests, including ‘Muslims Let’s get Naked’ (C), take part in a demonstration near their ‘training camp’ at the Lavoir Moderne Parisen (LMP) in Paris September 18, 2012. Ukrainian feminist rights group FEMEN members moved to France to ‘recruit soldiers’ in their fight against the discrimination of women. REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen (FRANCE – Tags: SOCIETY) TEMPLATE OUT


Gallery of 60’s Culture Style & Retro National Peace Outbreaks.:



Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Million! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000.00 +. Visit our Tip Page Today! Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now!


Valentines: Easter: Saint Patties Day: Coordinance. 2017.

February 4, 2017 1 Comment

 Valentines: Mood:

Image result for valentines day 2017

Tuesday, February 14

Valentine’s Day 2017

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Telegraph Love.

Image result for love

Mood.: Expression.

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Grandpa Pizza.:


Where in NYC.:

Margarita Pizza.:

Image result for margarita pizza recipe

  1. 1/2 recipe homemade pizza crust.
  2. 1 Tablespoon olive oil.
  3. 2 cloves roasted garlic, finely chopped.
  4. 1/4 cup your favorite pizza or tomato sauce.
  5. 8 ounces mozzarella cheese, sliced into 1/2 inch thick pieces.
  6. 2 plum tomatoes, sliced (or any tomato you like)
  7. handful of fresh basil.
  8. fresh ground pepper, to taste.

Classic Margherita Pizza. – Sallys Baking Addiction


Philly Cheese Steak.:


Roast Beef Sandwich with Sauce.:


Image result for love

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Date Ideas.:

  1. Become a married couple.
  2. Picnic in a secluded location.
  3. Going for a boat or yacht ride.
  4. Visit a Private Island.
  5. Take a Trip!

Image result for world map

Date Ideas Continued…

  1. 6. Go Dancing.
  2. 7. Go out to eat or bring in a personal Chief to prepare a nice personal meal for you.
  3. 8. Go horseback riding.
  4. 9. A romantic evening at home.
  5. 10. Catch a movie or make a movie! (Your Interpretation! We suggest nothing with too much nudity.) Shoot a short film with your mate! Talk about what you like about one another, talk about your first date and how you met. Signify your love for one another. Make it shareable! If your serious about them. Do not ever be seen on camera with someone you may not be too serious with, wait until things are in order.
  6. 11. Build something together! Do it yourself projects.


What to Wear:

Perfect Valentine Look 2017. Alexandre Birman & Clarita Velvet Sandals.


Entrepreneurship Keys.: Instead of sale used, Purchase.

Valentines. by aparker99 featuring a fob key chain

Effy Jewelry 14k jewelry

14 karat gold ring

Dolce Gabbana swarovski crystal jewelry
$400 –

CARAT London earring jewelry
$235 –

Earring jewelry

Hermès real leather glove
$610 –

Furla fur key chain
$190 –

Kate spade iphone case
$56 –

Beanie cap hat

Hair accessory
$15 –

Valentines 17.
Valentines 17. by aparker99 featuring a beige dress

Blue gown
$5,460 –

Oscar de la Renta red dress
$6,010 –

Lela Rose dress

Asymmetrical dress

J W Anderson beige dress
$745 –

Zimmermann dress

A L C night out dress

Alyce Paris long gown

Chi Chi pink cocktail dress

Chi Chi pink dress

WithChic high neck dress
$80 –

Slimming dress
$57 –

Chicwish red dress

Warehouse dark grey dress
$44 –

Peplum dress

Valentines Shoes 17.
Valentines Shoes 17. by aparker99 featuring blue shoes

Aquazzura leather sole shoes
$685 –

Christian Louboutin blue shoes

N°21 red shoes

Laurence Dacade red shoes
$640 –

Gianvito Rossi high heel pumps
$655 –

Gianvito Rossi pointy-toe pumps
$585 –

Dsquared2 leather sole shoes
$430 –

Ted Baker high heel pumps
$175 –

Cushioned shoes
$150 –

Charlotte Russe bow sandals

Oh Jackets & Coats.


Oh Jackets & Coats. by aparker99 featuring a faux fur coat

E L L E R Y wrap coat

E L L E R Y brown coat

Givenchy fur jacket

Green parka

Givenchy faux fur coat
$3,610 –

Alexander McQueen leather jacket
$3,000 –

Gucci blue jacket
$2,235 –

Harrods fur trim vest
$1,495 –

Grey jacket

MaxMara coat
$485 –

Holland Cooper quilted jacket
$750 –

Kensie puffer coat

Shrimps faux fur coat
$470 –

Brown jacket
$150 –

Fuji pink jacket
$150 –

Miss Selfridge petite coat

River Island fur jacket
$81 –

WithChic white coat
$71 –

River Island army jacket
$81 –

Sans Souci brown jacket

Jacques Vert leather sleeve coat
$55 –

Related image

Louis Vuitton 2017. Cylinder Hand Bags.

Shopping Links:

Chanel White Compact Powder Minaudiere 1

Recommended Highlights:

A hot new comedy is the Bezel Set Diamond Embedded Rings.


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Image result for love

Image result for the grinch characters

Valentine’s Who! (Turns nose up).

Image result for super mario brothers movie crystals

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Image result for love

Keep it Cute.


Image result for super mario brothers movie crystals

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Image result for love

Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Billion! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000,000.00 +. Visit our Tip Page Today! Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now!


Jhalae Couture: Setting the Tone for Style

October 24, 2013 3 Comments


Find them via Instagram: @Jhalaecouture

Jhalae Couture is a high fashion Los Angeles based online boutique.Founder and fashionista Jamella Hendricks began the company in 2011. She was joined by partner Gina Hendricks in 2013.

Here’s some exclusive behind the scenes footage of their most recent photo shoot!



This little piece of fashion sass is showing you how to do it! Not only do you receive thank you letters, quality merchandise at good prices; you also receive a memorable experience that you’d be sure to tell your friends about. Jhalae does more then sale you clothes they build a relationship with their clients, and build lasting connections. Jhalae and it’s CEO Jamella are really making a name in the Urban LA fashion industry; making lasting impressions on many people including TV personality and music mogul Tameka “Tiny” Harris.

By: Akika Parker

For all shopping inquiries email:


Here is CEO Jamella Hendricks with Tiny!

Jhalae Mission Statement:

We at Jhalae believe that today’s women can be fashionable, unique, sophisticated and chic without breaking the bank. Our goal is to deliver an everlasting fashion scenes that will remain chic for seasons to come. We want to become your go to boutique. With us you will have the ultimate shopping experience. We take pride in what we do because we know you take pride in what you wear; so be sure to shop our collections and let everyone know about your experience with Jhalae Couture.

For all shopping inquiries email:


Here is CEO Jamella Hendricks with Tiny!

Britney Spears: You better Work B***h

Experience Jhalae:

For all shopping inquiries email:












“Style Me’s” Exclusive with Celebrity Nail artist Kimmie Kyees!

July 29, 2013 1 Comment

Kimmie Kyees! One of the most fabulous women under 40 speaks out about success, her career journey, and her inspirations! If you don’t know Kimmie I’m sure you know her work! Its been seen on some of your favorite celebs such as: Adele, Kesha, Katy Perry, Brittney Spears, Lady Gaga and Rihanna just to name a few!
By: Akika Parker
K K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6
To learn more about this incredible woman and see more of her work please click the link to her site and follow her on twitter!
Q: How did you begin your journey?
I began doing nails when I was 17 in my mom’s basement ….  I had a mini salon for my friends and family clientele it was a nice way to make money in high school!!!
Q: What is your next step in business? brand?
I have 2 lines right now with bigger companies . Elegant touch has Kimmie Kyees press on nails available in 4 styles and Mnix has 8 designs by me.   I am looking to do some new and exciting things this year!!
Q: How long have you been a nail expert?
I have been doing nails since i was 17 years old so … 20 years now in the biz … I think there is always more to learn … your true expertise is knowing you don’t know it all and continuing to get education and staying in the loop with whats new and developing in your industry!
Q: What advice do you have for others that want to do what you are doing?
Work hard … make friends in the industry be nice ….. your connections are as important as your skill …. if no one likes you, you will never work.  Keep your kit stocked properly and use quality products … keep up with the trends… my clients favorite  quote is “what do you have that is new!! “
Q: How has success changed your life?
It has given me financial freedom – I have gotten to work with some of the most amazing artist in the entertainment industry – attend the most elite awards ceremonies and be a part of some pretty exciting projects…. its truly a blessing that I am grateful for everyday!
Q: What has been the most exciting thing you’ve encountered so far?
There are so many things its hard to choose just one … recently working with Adele was a super exciting thing …. I have wanted to work with her for ages… seeing articles written about me or hearing my friends and family talk about how they are reading nail tips from me in the national weekly magazines….my clients loving their nails… posting photos – it’s even fun to see comments on social media when people are looking at your work …. . it’s truly fulfilling on SO many levels!!!
Q: What inspires your designs?
EVERYTHING ….. items in the nail store the arts n craft store, you tube videos,  twitter photos … clothes, colors …. glitters  – other manicurists …. it’s a HUGE world out there and everyday I think I see something that motivates me and makes me want to be better!!
Her work is everywhere, it was even at the 2013 Golden Globes: Winner Adele, Selma Hyack, Vanessa Hudgens, Eva Longoria, and Nicole Richie!
 K7 K8 K9
Article rights belong to
(All Photos are the property of Kimmie Keys and other sources, and has no affiliation with
Related articles

Demi Lovato: KIIS FM’s Wango Tango

May 15, 2013

On Saturday the 11th, Demi Lovato, the singer and Disney star, attended KIIS FM‘s Wango Tango, looking totally fierce in an all black ensemble. Does wearing all black work for a spring/summer outfit? As a fan of the color, I’d have to say yes! But there’s a way to do it right, and Demi hit it on the head. Skin-tight and see-through. She wore a sheer button up tunic over a crop top and treggings (trouser leggings), with slightly pointed-toe pumps and statement jewelry. To finish off the look she wore her newly blonde hair in an uber chic coif. Can’t afford her look? Think again! Here’s one idea for what you can do to achieve this black on black look.

Demi Lovato: KIIS FM's Wanago Tango
Demi Lovato: KIIS FM’s Wanago Tango by brittany-belscher featuring round toe pumps

Just remember, anything similar will work. Your outfit is never going to be exact unless you can fork over the cash. Any long, sheer tunic will do, and some girls are even comfortable in just their bra instead of a crop top. I can pretty accurately guess that you have a pair of black leggings floating around somewhere, and if you don’t have a pair of black pumps or heels you should be ashamed of yourself.
Want to really make it your own? Switch out the black treggings for some brightly colored ones and get statement jewelry to match!

~Brittany B.

Company you need to know: LaureLuxe Metal Couture.

February 11, 2013 2 Comments

LaureLuxeF12Preview1Designer: Laurel Mae DeWitt

Photographer: Lindsay Adler
Stylist: Lisa Smith Craig of 4 Season Style Management
MUA: Elizabette Quezada


Launched in 2010, LaureLuxe has been described as “edgy” and “unique.” Those terms are absolute understatements. LaureLuxe’s custom metal pieces flow like fabric whether wrapped or draped to accent every curve. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted, customized to fit to perfection, and created from recycled aluminum geometric shaped plating—combining fashion and eco-friendliness in ways never before seen. From full dresses and ornate head and shoulder pieces; to earrings, necklaces and leg decor; to ties, suspenders, and The Company Man Chest plate—Ms. DeWitt’s work stretches beyond chimera, reveling in an incomparable versatility and total originality. The LaureLuxe earrings are inspired by the urban art scene and named after different streets in Brooklyn, NY—paying homage to the borough that showed her the way. There truly is no rival in the marketplace. In a phrase, LaureLuxe is a “one of one.”- Visit to read more!

To find out more about this company visit their site at:


Q: What inspired your business? And when was the moment you decided to act on it?

I have a Bachelors in Fine Arts/Fashion Design from Pratt Art Institute. My training there was in traditional apparel so I had to teach myself “Metal Couture” because I didn’t want to change my major from apparel to accessories. The concept started in school. I worked in corporate fashion for a few years after college and decided that I wanted to use my design talents for my own brand rather than other companies.

Q: What is your specialty?
Making any garment or accessory in metal.
Q:Where do you see the direction of your company going?
I hope to be a world renowned brand in reputation and product. I aspire to always put out fresh and innovative pieces.
Q: What has been one major road block and what have you done to move past it?
Honestly, I feel like I hit roadblocks every day. As a designer / artist,  I feel the need to always do better in every way. To me, that is the key to progression.
Q: What do you want people to know about your brand?
I want people to be inspired and impressed. I strive to be new…. and I want my consumer to know that they are seeing a new piece of art with every collection. I also want them to purchase it (lol).
Q: How has being a success changed your life?
It depends on how one would desribe success… I don’t feel like I am fully there yet. However, it is super cool to see my creations in the pages of magazines, on celebrities, and to have such a great fan base.
(Some of the celebrities that have seen rocking LaureLuxe Metal Couture are Star of Basket Ball Wives Draya, Nicki Minaj, Dirty Money star Dawn Richards, WIll I Am, Brittney Spears, Kelly Rowland, Melanie Fiona, and Brandy, just to name a few.)
lux2lux6nicki2 luxe3 luxe5nickilux3
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“Style me’s” Exclusive Interview with Celebrity Nail Artist Kimmie Kyees!

January 26, 2013 3 Comments

Kimmie Kyees! One of the most fabulous women under 40 speaks out about success, her career journey, and her inspirations! If you don’t know Kimmie I’m sure you know her work! Its been seen on some of your favorite celebs such as: Adele, Kesha, Katy Perry, Brittney Spears, Lady Gaga and Rihanna just to name a few!
By: Akika Parker
be mag web site
To learn more about this incredible woman and see more of her work please click the link to her site and follow her on twitter!
Q: How did you begin your journey?
I began doing nails when I was 17 in my mom’s basement ….  I had a mini salon for my friends and family clientele it was a nice way to make money in high school!!!
Q: What is your next step in business? brand?
I have 2 lines right now with bigger companies . Elegant touch has Kimmie Kyees press on nails available in 4 styles and Mnix has 8 designs by me.   I am looking to do some new and exciting things this year!!
Q: How long have you been a nail expert?
I have been doing nails since i was 17 years old so … 20 years now in the biz … I think there is always more to learn … your true expertise is knowing you don’t know it all and continuing to get education and staying in the loop with whats new and developing in your industry!
Q: What advice do you have for others that want to do what you are doing?
Work hard … make friends in the industry be nice ….. your connections are as important as your skill …. if no one likes you, you will never work.  Keep your kit stocked properly and use quality products … keep up with the trends… my clients favorite  quote is “what do you have that is new!! ”
Q: How has success changed your life?
It has given me financial freedom – I have gotten to work with some of the most amazing artist in the entertainment industry – attend the most elite awards ceremonies and be a part of some pretty exciting projects…. its truly a blessing that I am grateful for everyday!
Q: What has been the most exciting thing you’ve encountered so far?
There are so many things its hard to choose just one … recently working with Adele was a super exciting thing …. I have wanted to work with her for ages… seeing articles written about me or hearing my friends and family talk about how they are reading nail tips from me in the national weekly magazines….my clients loving their nails… posting photos – it’s even fun to see comments on social media when people are looking at your work …. . it’s truly fulfilling on SO many levels!!!
Q: What inspires your designs?
EVERYTHING ….. items in the nail store the arts n craft store, you tube videos,  twitter photos … clothes, colors …. glitters  – other manicurists …. it’s a HUGE world out there and everyday I think I see something that motivates me and makes me want to be better!!
Her work is everywhere, it was even at the 2013 Golden Globes: Winner Adele, Selma Hyack, Vanessa Hudgens, Eva Longoria, and Nicole Richie!
adele gloden globe awardSalma HayekVanessa Hudgenseva longoria golden 1nicole rich golden
Article rights belong to
(All Photos are the property of Kimmie Keys and other sources, and has no affiliation with