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What 2017 Looks Like.: Who’s Future?

January 8, 2017 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


American Culture.: Industrial.

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Where are the Flying Cars?

We have been told to face & know the impossible.

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“Every man in his own ability.” – Bible.

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“Buy the truth & sale it not!”- Bible.

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“It takes more bravery to stand against a crowd of contrary revelers, then it does to begin the crowd.” – F.F.Orbes.

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” A man’s gift maketh room for him, were so ever it turneth it shall prospereth.” – F.F.Orbes. Bible Reference.

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“Business & personal are very different. Do not confuse the two; nor bring your personal into your business! Why? Its none of their business.” -F. F. Orbes.

The Style Line.:

“Be humble & without too much pride.” -F.F.Orbes.

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Chain metal link lace, & slanted bottoms; individual or together. Bold blunt hair lengths! Get the look!

Passage Links.:


” Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.” – Bibile. Proverbs 31:23.

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” Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” – Psalms 23:4.



Bella Freud Sparkle 1970 Jumper - Gold

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” Is it too much of arrogance to always know? Think you know!” – F.F.Orbes

Entrepreneur News.:


Weather Supplies.:



” A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.” -Bible. Proverbs 29:11.

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Raining Day Styles.: Realistic-ly Rain.

Rainy day fashions

Photo Source:

Colin Young-Wolff / For The Times

Use a darker mix of color for the raining weather! The dark colors help mask being a little damp, are classically simple & slimming! As the sun begins to emerge brake out with your favorite mix of brights!

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Know World Validation.

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Be able to forsake the testimony of a naysayer against an innocent! It took the most of desperations & much observation to open their mouth about another; who isn’t concerned with them. Do not try to force feelings!

“Your judgements are mot final until they are proven, if can be at all.”- F.FOrbes.








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Heaven Knows.:

” Heaven knows.”- Kanye West. The College Dropout.

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“I would even let you know.” -F.F.Orbes.

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The Prince of Egypt.

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God’s of Egypt.

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What 2017 Looks Like.: Who’s Future?


Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Trillion! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000,000,000.00 +. Visit our Tip Page Today! Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now!

Weather Walls.

Weather Wall. Dams. Wells. Boilers.

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Weather reports say there could be a possible flood by 2020. If we get large bullet proof glass, weather proof walls it can allow the water to stay out. Using the design above you can then fluctuate the water throughout the states to work in various ways, transfer water etc. Such a beautiful display of usable and recycled water for place that have weather issues all over the world.

Large projects are a community project! One can even sculpt mountains to ward off water to help maintain beaches. Move Mountains!

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This design is do able by use of pure suction & magnetic!

May even help start a use able vehicle levitation system. A magnetic system can be implanted in roads!

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This “could be” the new dams and inner city water portals!

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The Great Wall of China.

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The look of a Mountain Man Made Weather Wall could very well look like this! Pile by pile of cement, dirt, etc. Start picking at that mountain! It seems to be a total Flood supply.

Using large pipes as the water levels rise we can even open a large pipe system that sucks the water through water tunnels and eventually into a large boiler/dam that is about three sizes of the Hover dam.

The pipes will/can control water levels and distribution throughout the worlds/countries water distribution system.

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May help save the Coasters! & Land Mass in general.

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A pipe system that comes into place once water levels reach the highest level allotted, the pipe system should kick in to suck the water and distribute it throughout the country. The pipes should lead all over the country, to the main water system, transferred around & dispersed! Like a huge water show!

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Alleged the Flood of 2020. New Coast Lines.

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Map Sample after Flood of 2020.

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Structures like this one in St. Louis can be filled with a super thick and weather durable bullet proof glass situation, mass produced & turned into a wall.

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A wall can stop Sea levels before it hits the Beach or get any harmful debris, causing the water to just rise and then be sucked away! The wall  should start about Tidal Flat & Open Water.

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Can turn sink holes into dams or wells! The pipe system can be underground and above surface!

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "sink holes in florida"

Water can be boiled and even frozen for storage.

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Structure can be constructed once a successful underground pipe system is in place structures can be build to distribute, fluctuate and filter the new water supply.

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Build a strong Underwater foundation similar to a bridge structure.Related image

The is an original idea presented by The Fashion Forbes, Inc. This is the only place you may see or hear this currently, we are the first and only!

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Tag a Source: Some Out Sourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other Third Party Research Periodicals etc.

Tip a Trillion! Leave your Tip of Any Amount via Email: Let know how much your Inspired! We Accept All Amounts from $0.01- $1,000,000,000,000.00 +. Visit our Tip Page Today! Process your Investment with The Fashion Forbes Inc. Be Inspired & Send in Your Donation/Tip Now!

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