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Current Events: The Protocol: Cancer Causing Process Meats: Recent Flooding Down South.

October 29, 2015 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

New Social Media Law for 2016

A new privacy law for social media is set to be released January of 2016! Reports say the new law focusing on improving the privacy systems with a focus on employee privacy and to protected activity to data practices, identity theft, cyber security, and protection of intellectual property.

New Phone Towers: Neighborhood Phone Taps for 2016

Recent news reports have made us aware of America’s new  way at big brother. Legislators and congress are in the process of approving (without the vote of Americans) new neighborhood phone taps! Its said to be in forced in 2016. This will allow the police and the government to have access to your phone conversations nation wide!

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Cancer Causing Process Meats!

Beacon, sausages, and processed meats! Oh my! Recent reports scurry about today’s meat supply’s putting citizens at risk for Cancer!

“There is a risk and benefit in everything”- F.F.Orbes.


Recent Floodings Down South


Penalty on the Play!

Head Spearing still an illegal move in Football!

A recent Bay Area local football player was injured and died by the wrong twist of his neck while head spearing during a game.

Head spearing is a move in which the player leads a tackle, other plays or Sport contact technicals with your neck and head. Charging at your opponents with your head; risks not properly securing your head. Make sure your neck is properly secure while preceding to tackle.

Social Media Privacy!

  • Facebook Privacy and Password Recovery
  • Google Email Account Password Recovery

Facebook privacy and password security is a situation for the new Social Media age! The problem is there is absolutely little to no account recovery! If you get locked out of your account or if it gets hacked, its options are very limited on how to retrieve your personal information, lingering on Social Media.

Google password recovery is also getting the same privacy concerns! When you get locked out of your Google email account, Google has no way of assisting you with the recovery of your information once you do not have access to old or outdated emails.

Back to the Future Fashions Available

A recent release of a hot pair of adult light up sneaks hit the trendy meter! This one of a kind offer is a complete first! The shoes also lace themselves up!


Scheduling an Employee Listen.

The Listen. The elevator pitch! How do your employees get their ideas heard? Are you scheduling listens?

A listen is a meeting as a result of following proper protocol and procedure and being able to give presentation to your big bosses about new opportunities one see’s that can advance the company or brand! This is the way to get your ideas heard! This is a way to hear what your employees from various levels of your organization have noticed, areas they would like to see advanced along with a detailed plan on how, and ideas they may have that can be an asset to the furthering of your brand. Listens are yearly and bi-yearly, it must be scheduled with official appointment after going through the proper protocol. Spots are usually limited.

Hot in Eyes: Eyez


Metallic Eye: Disco.

Bird Eye: Eagle Eyez

Bird Eye: Eagle Eyez

Bank Protocol and Disputes: Bank Privacy.

Banks are risky business! Recent reports stat that various banks including Chase Bank may have had leaks in the personal information of some of its customers! This caused and is causing various people to rapidly withdrawal their money! Recent reports stat that hackings, operational inside money laundering, leaks of personal account information including address, balance information, account history and overcharging etc.

Banks are now under the impression that our money is their money and they can do with it or send it to whomever they’d like! Having protocols that will leave you without your investment or funds and linger you on for up to 30 days and will close your personal accounts without your knowledge, refuse to change your address, provide you false information and present in the notes on your personal account! With these recent discoveries people are saying “No!” to big banks and keeping their balance low if not completely canceling. Credit cards and prepared debit cards with Visa and MasterCard logos are the new wave! No cards with any complicated set up or outrageous fees!

Stone Properties: Tourmaline & Clear Quartz.


  1. Green:
  2. Black:
  3. Blue:
  4. Pink:
  5. Clear Quartz:


Tag a Source: Some Outsourced & Original Artworks! Instagram, Google, Facebook, WordPress, & other third party research periodicals etc.
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