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Men’s Fashion: Stay Cool: Staying Cool in Humid Summer Days!

June 24, 2015 , , , , , , , , , , ,

Staying Cool In This Weather!

The Summer time humidity is a tricky one to dress for, and staying cool? You can almost forget about it! Although it may seem difficult, there are many ways to keep cool. If you’re not able to be next to a pool this Summer, don’t worry mother nature is keeping this 2015 Summer wet and humid!

This season especially on the Eastern Coast, the weather is a bit unpredictable, one would love to wear next to nothing in such a sticky heat, but of course we don’t promote indecent exposure; so here are some tips on keeping cool in Summer humidity!


Stay Cool!

1. Damping the Mood: Cool

Taking your clothes out of the dryer a little early, and wearing them slightly damp in hot humidity, keeps your skin cool; you also get a bonus cool as the wind blows and the breeze adds an extra cool element. You might want an entire damp outfit; however, we recommend just one damp item. Try some thing light! A blouse, shirt or some leggings! The key is not to look wet.

2. Pool Side Fine: Attire

Mixing your water clothes for heated days is a perfect way to stay cool! Swim tops and Siamese Shorts is a winning Summer look!


Men’s Fashion


Some of the season’s hottest men’s wear comes from Parker Dusseau! Dusseau puts a new innovative twist on their clothing by using modern muti-purpose fabrics. One of their hottest fabrics is the Water resilient linen shirts for men!


As seen in the above photo, the water resistant fabric is at work! Not only are they nifty; they’re also fashionable! A hot trend is the Linen Blazer! So summer fresh! It comes in bright colors and perfect when matched with cool classic colors.

Linen Blazer’s: 




Girbaud: Jimbo’s: Jabo’s

Rather you call them by their rightful name Girbaud’s or by their 90’s slang Jabo’s or Jimbo’s these 90’s classics are a hit in men’s street wear denim. Love the look!


Vintage. 90’s

Men’s Health


Take care of your health! Do activities that keep your blood pumping, cardio, and build lean muscle. Go out doors, play ball games regularly, and do activities that bring you one with yourself! Look into long term health precautions such as life insurance and long term health care.


Great Summer Activity: Camping!

If your an out door’s men this might be a perfect summer time to go out doors! Visit your favorite lake, pond and pitch a tent, hop in the RV, or visit your favorite Lodge! Explore the out doors, mountains, and Netherlands. Tell a story, BBQ, rent a boat, some jet skis, bring a group of friends or keep in family intimate with just the loved ones.


Westchester 40 under 40 Winners Honored 2015

Great articles on Westchester’s top 40 honorables and their individual journeys of success.



Brooklyn Street Art: A Meeting With A Young Inspiration.


Walking along the streets of Brooklyn there are a bunch of murals along the building fronts! This one in particular had a you’d inspiration! Meet Nasir Malave, of the SyrupKids! They’re a local Brooklyn Child dance crew,  filled with great Spirit! Nasir accompanied by Jess and Spirit Malave form these daring NYC dancers! 

Their father says “I’m a very happy father, they’re awesome!” as little Nasir proudly ran to pose for his photo (below) this Fathers day weekend.



Game Time: Recent Stock Development’s


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