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Healthy Tips: Hot Work Out Gear

January 9, 2014 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


One of the best things for you to do is eat naturally and with the seasons. Our bodies are meant to have the foods within our habitat in order to stay slim and fight the germs that come with a changing season. Certain fruits and vegetables are available all year round because we need them all year around but others, such as pomegranates. Pomergranates aren’t in season all year because their nutritional value isn’t as needed outside it’s harvesting season. What is needed you ask? What ever is in season at that time.

Of course you have to monitor your eating habits as well as chewing your food longer. The average person take 15 bits or less of their food, when you should be averaging about 30-40 chews. Slow down and actually enjoy your food. Most people have the habit of putting more food on their plate to satisfy their appetite, although you can have a lesser portion with an extended chewing period and achieve better results.

Hot Work Out Gear: Lululemon


Clear Your Pineal Gland:

This is not to convert you to any religion but simply a choice on rather you want to be informed or not. Are a lot of your issues because your pineal glands not being stimulated properly?

Face & Body:

Black Soap:

Photo Property:

Jojoba Oil:

Jojoba Oil is one of the most natural and best oils for the skin and hair. It closely mimics the natural oils in our skin making the oil leave our body feeling replenished and your hair sprout from it’s roots!

Old Milk:

Most people through their spoiled Milk out, and for good reason; but there are other ways to use that old Milk. Talking a bath in old milk helps to soften the skin and helps all the nutrients that were in the milk sink into the body leaving you with a health glow.



Planks are amazing! But persistence is key, do 2-4 a day for two minutes… it works!
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Jogging is good to burn calories, get your energy and heart rate pumping which helps loosing those extra holiday pounds that much easier.


Standing Crunch:

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22 Day Vegan:

This is more of a challenge than a diet; but the 22 Day Vegan diet is said to have many health benefits and helps to clear out harmful bodily toxins that can help fight away infections.



Easy & Natural Whiting:


Body Wraps:Hollywood’s Best Kept Secret

To get yours today you can email: Or Call/Text Natural Detox Body Wraps at (407) 962-6586.



Results After 3 Days:


Here is an example of the application process. The gel is applied first with a protective cover and then you rap yourself with plastic wrap.


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