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💎💎. All Blogs Aren't Created Equal! Welcome to the First & Only Official "Fashion Forbes" Eco-Friendly Blogazine & Exclusive Top Source to Fashion's Elite! Toggle the Side Slide Internet & Drop Down Each Periodical Gravity Grid Article to Discover Upon the Key Fashion Topics. Fashion's Best Kept I.T. Secret! Fashions Catalog & Official Destination. 💎.

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Global Warming: How Big is Your Foot Print?: Trends for the Heat!: The shorter the Better

July 6, 2013 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Lately temperatures have been rising into the triple digits leaving us to have triple digit days and nights! Yes, nights! Sometimes even over 100 degrees after hours! While this is great for a night swim, what’s the cause of this recent shift in temperature? Could it be that this is the cause of the holes in the ozone layer? Global warming is hitting us   harder and harder as the years progress with the prolonging of  the seasons, and now being in these hot Summer season! It leaves one to ask, can I do more? How big is your carbon foot print? Are you saving? Being resourceful? We need to start thinking about how we can payback the Earth, and thinking about how to dress to survive this heat!

By: Akika Parker

Theme Music: James Brown– The Big Payback:

Here’s a great article about how to reduce your carbon footprint:


25+ Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint


Quick Tips:

1. Try to drive less.

2. Burn Less electricity.

3. Unplug electronics that aren’t in use!

4. Use less water.

5. Change light bulbs into energy efficient lights bulbs.

Fashions For This HOT HOT HOT Summer Season!

Play Nice Mesh Jacket Showtime Suspender Shorts Shape Up SkirtShape Up Skirt - GrayShape Up Skirt - Tangerine

(Photo’s are the property of Nasty


Fashion: What?!@??!….. The Shorter the Better!

The shorter the better! This season its all about showing off those legs! These shorter than short silhouettes are your go to shorties! The M-Line skirt is new to our 2013 season trends and a fashion favorite along with Cut Offs! But now it all about how you wear them, the hottest?! Short Cut Offs with your pockets hanging, this is H. O. T!



Hottest Way to Style Your Cut Offs!



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